2. Requirements

You'll have to download and compile only one package (OpenJade). This HOWTO will explain the compilation process, but you should be familiar with installing from source code.

Most of the packages that we need are located at The Linux Documentation Project (TLDP) website.

2.1. Pre-requirements

Create a directory /tmp/downloads. We will use this directory to store the downloaded source code.

2.2. OpenJade

OpenJade will be used to process DocBook documents. OpenJade can be downloaded from: http://openjade.sourceforge.net/.

At the time of writing this document OpenJade 1.3.1 was available. Download the openjade-1.3.x.tar.gz file.

2.3. DocBook DTDs

All the DocBook DTDs are available from The Linux Documentation Project website at http://www.tldp.org/authors/index.html#resources

Please download DocBook SGML v4.1, DocBook SGML v3.1, and DocBook XML v4.1.2.


Please download all the zip archives.

2.4. ISO Entities

The Linux Documentation Project has packaged all the Entities into one big tar file and placed it at http://www.tldp.org/authors/tools/entities.tar.gz for the convenience of the users. Thanks to TLDP for this.

2.5. Norman Walsh's DSSSL

Norman Walsh's DSSSL can be downloaded from the DocBook project website at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=21935.

At the time of writing this document docbook-dsssl-1.7.6 was available.

2.6. LDP customized DSL stylesheets

LDP DSL is a customized style sheet used by The Linux Documentation Project (TLDP). It is an extension to Norman Walsh's DSSSL. It add things like background and Table of Contents. It can be downloaded from http://www.tldp.org/authors/tools/ldp.dsl.

ldp.dsl requires Normal Walsh's DSSSL

2.7. HTMLDOC (Optional)

HTMLDOC can be used for converting the HTML to PDF. If you would like to produce PDF documents, please download HTMLDOC from http://www.easysw.com/htmldoc/software.php

2.8. Norman Walsh's XSL (Optional)

This is not necessary. But if you would like to serve DocBook 4.1.2 XML content using Tomcat + Cocoon, you will need Norman Walsh's XML Style Sheets.

The Style Sheets are available for download at http://sourceforge.net/projects/docbook/.

Please download the package called docbook-xsl.


Recently docbook-xsl ver. 1.57.0 was released. This document is verified with the latest version, and appropriate modifications have been made. If you still encounter any errors please email me @

2.9. LDP Customized XSL (Optional)

Also download the LDP Customized XSL from http://my.core.com/~dhorton/docbook/tldp-xsl/

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