

$AllowableHTML, Cookies - timeout and configuration
$content, How to create a block, a practical example
GNU Free Documentation License, Licence


Activate, The administration functions
Admin, Directory structure , Administration management , Module creation, administrator part
admin.php, Back end structure: administrator view, Architecture and structure
admin/case, Module creation, administrator part
admin/case folder, Administration management
admin/links, Module creation, administrator part
admin/links folder, Administration management
Advertising Block, The preinstalled blocks
anonymous, The Preferences Page
Apache, What Is PHP-Nuke
Argument, The administration functions
Articles, The administration functions
auth.php, Architecture and structure
authentication, Cookies - timeout and configuration
AvantGO, The preinstalled modules


backend, The Preferences Page
backend.php, Architecture and structure , The permissions on the folders and files
backup, How to install the PHP-Nuke DB with PHPMyadmin
Backup DB, The administration functions
banners, The Preferences Page
block creation, The characteristics of the various types of blocks
Blocks, The administration functions, Directory structure
blocks.html, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
Books reviews, The preinstalled modules, The administration functions
Burzi, Francisco, Short history of PHP-Nuke, The permissions on the folders and files


case, Module creation, administrator part
CASE statement, Module creation, administrator part
Category, The administration functions
center_left.html, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
center_right.html, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
Chat, Other non-installed modules
check_html, Cookies - timeout and configuration
Closetable, Module creation, the public part
CMS (Content Managment System), What Is PHP-Nuke
colours, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
comments, The Preferences Page
communities, The Nuke Communities
config.php, The config.php file, The permissions on the folders and files
Content, The preinstalled modules, The preinstalled blocks
Content Manager, The administration functions
cookies, Cookies - timeout and configuration
counter.php, Directory structure
css, Example creation of HTML file to include in the theme


DMOZ/ODP, Other non-installed modules
download, Download
Downloads, The administration functions
Downloads Module, The preinstalled modules
DreamWeaver, Example creation of HTML file to include in the theme


e-commerce, What Is PHP-Nuke
Edit Administrators, The administration functions
Edit Users, The administration functions
Encyclopedia, The preinstalled modules, The preinstalled blocks, The administration functions
Ephemerids, The preinstalled blocks, The administration functions
Exit, The administration functions
expiration, Cookies - timeout and configuration
Explorer, Cookies - timeout and configuration
Extensive Text, The administration functions


FAQ, The preinstalled modules, The administration functions, Module creation, administrator part
Feedback, The preinstalled modules
filtering, Cookies - timeout and configuration
flash, How to create a block, theoretical approach:
Footer, The Preferences Page , Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
footer.html, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
footer.php, Architecture and structure
FORUM, The preinstalled modules
Forums, The preinstalled blocks
Foxserv, Foxserv, making PHP-Nuke work on Windows Systems
Free Software Foundation, Licence


Guestbook, Other non-installed modules


hackers, Cookies - timeout and configuration
header, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
header.html, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
header.php, Architecture and structure
HTML (HyperText Markup Language), Formats
HTML standards, How to create a block, theoretical approach:
HTML tags (security), Cookies - timeout and configuration
HTTP Referrers, The administration functions


Images, Directory structure
includes, Directory structure
index.php, Architecture and structure
Indy News, Other non-installed modules
insert, in a table, Module creation, the public part
installation, How to install PHP-Nuke
Intranet, What Is PHP-Nuke


java, How to create a block, theoretical approach:
javascript.php, Directory structure


lang-xxx.php, Creating fully compatible modules: the rules to follow
Language, The administration functions, Directory structure
language abstraction, Creating fully compatible modules: the rules to follow
Last 10 referers, The preinstalled blocks
Last 5 articles, The preinstalled blocks
liability, Disclaimer
Links, The administration functions
local time, The Preferences Page
login, Cookies - timeout and configuration
logo, The Preferences Page
Logout, The administration functions
LYX (LaTeX frontend LyX), Formats


mainfile.php, Architecture and structure
malicious scripts, Cookies - timeout and configuration
Member List, The preinstalled modules
Messages, The administration functions
meta.php, Directory structure
moderation, The Preferences Page
module creation, Module structure , Module creation, administrator part
module creation: rules, Creating fully compatible modules: the rules to follow
Modules, The administration functions, Directory structure
modules.php, Architecture and structure , Module management
Mozilla, Cookies - timeout and configuration
multilanguage, The Preferences Page
MySQL Front, MySQL Front, how to administer a MySQL DB from Windows
my_header.php, Directory structure


news, The preinstalled modules
Newsletter, The administration functions
nuke_accessi, The database tables
nuke_authors, The database tables
nuke_autonews, The database tables
nuke_banlist, The database tables
nuke_banner, The database tables
nuke_bannerclient, The database tables
nuke_bbtopics, The database tables
nuke_blocks, The database tables
nuke_catagories, The database tables
nuke_comments, The database tables
nuke_config, The database tables
nuke_counter, The database tables
nuke_disallow, The database tables
nuke_downloads_categories, The database tables
nuke_downloads_downloads, The database tables
nuke_downloads_editorials, The database tables
nuke_downloads_moddata, The database tables
nuke_downloads_modrequest, The database tables
nuke_downloads_newdownload, The database tables
nuke_encyclopedia_text, The database tables
nuke_encyclopedya, The database tables
nuke_ephem, The database tables
nuke_faqanswer, The database tables
nuke_faqcategories, The database tables
nuke_forums, The database tables
nuke_forumtopics, The database tables
nuke_forum_access, The database tables
nuke_forum_mods, The database tables
nuke_headlines, The database tables
nuke_links_categories, The database tables
nuke_links_editorials, The database tables
nuke_links_links, The database tables
nuke_links_modrequest, The database tables
nuke_links_newlink, The database tables
nuke_links_votedata, The database tables
nuke_main, The database tables
nuke_message, The database tables
nuke_modules, The database tables
nuke_pages, The database tables
nuke_pages_categories, The database tables
nuke_pollcomments, The database tables
nuke_poll_check, The database tables
nuke_poll_data, The database tables
nuke_poll_desc, The database tables
nuke_posts, The database tables
nuke_posts_text, The database tables
nuke_priv_msgs, The database tables
nuke_queue, The database tables
nuke_quotes, The database tables
nuke_ranks, The database tables
nuke_referer, The database tables
nuke_related, The database tables
nuke_reviews, The database tables
nuke_reviews_add, The database tables
nuke_reviews_comments, The database tables
nuke_reviews_main, The database tables
nuke_seccont, The database tables
nuke_sections, The database tables
nuke_session, The database tables
nuke_smiles, The database tables
nuke_stats_date, The database tables
nuke_stats_hour, The database tables
nuke_stats_month, The database tables
nuke_stats_year, The database tables
nuke_stories, The database tables
nuke_stories_cat, The database tables
nuke_topics, The database tables
nuke_users, The database tables
nuke_words, The database tables


op=FaqAdmin, Administration management
Opentable, Module creation, the public part
Optimize DB, The administration functions


PDF (Portable Document Format), Formats
Perl, How to create a block, theoretical approach:
permissions, Formulation of the file permissions, The permissions on the folders and files
permissions mode, The permissions on the folders and files
PHP, What Is PHP-Nuke
PHPMyAdmin, What Is PHPMyadmin, Module creation, the public part, What is PHPMyadmin
PHPNuke, What Is PHP-Nuke, Front end structure: user view
portals, What Is PHP-Nuke
Preferences, The administration functions
Preview, The administration functions
Private messages, The preinstalled modules
Programmed article, The administration functions
PS.GZ (Compressed Postscript), Formats
Publish, The administration functions


query, Module creation, the public part


RDF, The administration functions
Recommend us, The preinstalled modules
Reviews, The preinstalled blocks
robots.txt, Architecture and structure
RSS, The administration functions
RTF (Rich Text Format), Formats


script kiddie, Cookies - timeout and configuration
Search module, The preinstalled modules
Section Manager, The administration functions
Sections, The preinstalled modules
Sections Articles, The preinstalled blocks
SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), Formats
Short Text, The administration functions
Slashdot, Short history of PHP-Nuke
slogan, The Preferences Page
Splatt Forum, The administration functions
sql_layer.php, Directory structure , Module creation, the public part
Statistics, The preinstalled modules
Stories archive, The preinstalled modules
story_home.html, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
story_page.html, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
style sheets, Theme construction: the rules to follow
Submit news, The preinstalled modules
Survey, The administration functions
Surveys, The preinstalled modules
syntax, SQL, The syntax of SQL code


tables, The database tables
tables.php, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
TAR.GZ (Compressed TAR Archive), Formats
theme, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
theme.php, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
themearticle, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
themefooter, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
themeheader, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
themeindex, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
Themes, Directory structure
themes/NukeNews, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
themes/NukeNews/images, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
themes/NukeNews/style, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
themesidebox, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme
Title, The administration functions
Top 10 Downloads, The preinstalled blocks
Top 10 Links, The preinstalled blocks
Top10, The preinstalled modules
Topics, The preinstalled modules, The administration functions
TXT (ASCII Text), Formats


ultramode, The Preferences Page
ultramode.txt, Architecture and structure , The permissions on the folders and files
UPDATE, Module creation, administrator part
Upgrades, Directory structure


W3C, What Is PHP-Nuke
WebLinks, The preinstalled modules
Windows, MySQL Front, how to administer a MySQL DB from Windows
WYSIWYG, Structure of a PHP-Nuke theme


Your Account, The preinstalled modules

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