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The Linux EXT2 file system usually gets a forced file system check after 20 mount counts. On todays big partitions such a file system check can take several minutes. Home and desktop computers are switched on and off more often than server machines. As a regular computer user you may therefore see the message ... has reached maximum mount count, check forced several times a week.

A file system check once in a while is a good idea but once every week or two may be too much for you. Here is how you can increase the max mount count for your partitions.

  1. First rule: Never use tune2fs on a mounted file system. Get a rescue software for Linux such as the tomsrtbt from www.toms.net/rb/. Tomsrtbt is a Linux system on just one floppy. You can boot from it and then use the tune2fs as described below.
    You may also download the tomsrtbt-1.6.362.tar.gz or tomsrtbt-1.7.185.tar.gz directly from here. Unpack the file. Installation instructions are included.
  2. Once you have booted from the rescue disk you can run the command
    fdisk -l
    to see all your partitions.
  3. Run the command
    dumpe2fs /dev/YourDev | grep Max
    to see what the current max mount count on a given partition is. Replace the YourDev by the appropriate device (e.g hda5).
  4. To change the maximum mount count to a higher value (e.g 50) use
    tune2fs -c 50 /dev/YourDev
  5. Run the above tune2fs command for all your hard disk partitions which are marked as "Linux native". You can also change the mount count value a bit for every partition (e.g 50, 60, 70...). That way not all partitions get a forced check at once.

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