The Linux Documentation Project Weekly News

Issue Number : 2
Publication Date : 2004-01-14

Table of Contents
1. New documents @ TLDP
2. Documents submitted for review
3. New document proposals
4. Updated HOWTOs, FAQs and Guides
5. News in The LDP world
5.1. Malaysia mirror changes URL
5.2. Out of date Acer HOWTO
5.3. Docbook, Emacs/PSGML documentation
6. HOWTO contribute to TLDP

1. New documents @ TLDP

2. Documents submitted for review

3. New document proposals

David Jao is working on a DVD playing HOWTO, because, as he points out, the current document is way too outdated, unmaintained, and no longer even remotely accurate. Since everybody who wants to play DVDs on Linux runs into DMCA and other barriers, the proposal was hauled in enthusiastically.

4. Updated HOWTOs, FAQs and Guides

5. News in The LDP world

5.1. Malaysia mirror changes URL

The responsible for the Selangor mirror informed us about domain name problems they are having, due to which the mirror is now located at Like the previous one, it is updated daily.

5.2. Out of date Acer HOWTO

Though The LDP is facing a lot of problems with old and out-of-date documents these days, once in a while, we do hear from responsible authors regarding what they want to be done to their documents. Emma got in touch with Harish Thampi, the author of the Acer HOWTO, which has not been updated since 3 years. Harish would probably submit the document to

Emma is also going through our collection to check for out of date documents and duplicate information suggesting merging of documents wherever applicable. Thank you Emma for that.

5.3. Docbook, Emacs/PSGML documentation

Charles Curley pointed to us that there is some useful documentation on Docbook and Emacs/PSGML at

6. HOWTO contribute to TLDP

The Linux Documentation Project (TLDP) is working on developing free, high quality documentation for the GNU/Linux operating system. If you want to help TLDP, consider joining .

Help us create this newsletter. We need volunteers who follow the community (mailing lists, newsgroups, web channels) and report events related to free software documentation. Write to us at .

The LDP Weekly News is compiled and edited by Machtelt Garrels and Y Giridhar Appaji Nag with help from several other people.

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