The Linux Documentation Project Weekly News

Issue Number : 11
Publication Date : 2004-03-17

Table of Contents
1. New documents @ TLDP
2. Updated HOWTOs, FAQs and Guides
3. News in The LDP world
3.1. Mirroring TLDP
3.2. Spotlight on TLDP
3.3. TLDP Tools Page
4. HOWTO contribute to TLDP

1. New documents @ TLDP

Niko Sauer finished the procedures for submitting and revising his USB Flash Memory HOWTO. It describes both VFAT and ext2 formatting of the devices and also has notes on how to support them with a 2.6 kernel. Nico is the practical sort of person: he includes a section about making the memory sticks accessible to users and one about maintenance. You can try it out immediately on your Swiss army knife!

2. Updated HOWTOs, FAQs and Guides

3. News in The LDP world

3.1. Mirroring TLDP

The TLDP mirror page is now up to date. After a long period of blocking, Jens Hardings was the first to activate a new mirror in Chile.

We could do with some extra mirrors, for instance in Costa Rica, Croatia, French Guiana, Indonesia, Macau, Pakistan, Peru, Puerto Rico, Russia and Ukraine, where we have none for the moment (There is a cool world map of the TLDP mirrors). And we could certainly do with some extra mirrors in China. Candidates, anyone? Contact us through the address!

Tille posted a summary of the update frequency of the mirrors and plans for weeding out the out-of-date ones.

3.2. Spotlight on TLDP

We've certainly know worse times as far as advertisement is concerned:

  • LinuxJournal features a 2-page article about TLDP history entitled "Inside TLDP, a behind-the-scenes look at the evolution of the Linux Documentation Project", which has been partly published before in TLDP WN issues 9/2003 and 10/2003. The article contains explanations on the name change from LinuxDoc to TLDP and completes the history from the point on where it stopped in our last publication of the matter.

3.3. TLDP Tools Page

Saqib Ali's popular tools for The LDP can be accessed directly from Saqib's Online DocBook XML Validator / Transformer is also linked from there.

4. HOWTO contribute to TLDP

The Linux Documentation Project (TLDP) is working on developing free, high quality documentation for the GNU/Linux operating system. If you want to help TLDP, consider joining .

Help us create this newsletter. We need volunteers who follow the community (mailing lists, newsgroups, web channels) and report events related to free software documentation. Write to us at .

The LDP Weekly News is compiled and edited by Machtelt Garrels and Y Giridhar Appaji Nag with help from several other people.

mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.