PuTTY semi-bug multi-key

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summary: Support for Multi_Key in GTK port
class: semi-bug: This might or might not be a bug, depending on your precise definition of what a bug is.
priority: low: We aren't sure whether to fix this or not.
fixed-in: r9567 7fc8db15b262ba644b1c7f8e9b89cc5a86f104f2 2012-06-18 (0.63)


 The Multi_Key (that is the X Compose key) doesn't appear to work in
pterm.  In other applications if I type "<Multi_Key> ' e" then I get
an e-acute whereas in pterm I just get 'e.

unix/gtkwin.c:key_event() contains the following comment:

 * NYI: Compose key (!!! requires Unicode faff before even trying)

(See also unix-dead-keys.)

Update: fixed in r9567 (with fallout addressed in r9568 and r9573).

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Audit trail for this semi-bug.
(last revision of this bug record was at 2017-04-28 16:52:45 +0100)

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