PuTTY artifact sshcrcda-assertion-failed

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summary: Failed assertion in sshcrcda.c
priority: historic: This is an old bug report that we think is either fixed without noticing, or confined to old systems, or too vague.
present-in: 0.52 0.53 0.53b

From comp.security.ssh:

I was running putty.exe version 52 and then I tried version 53 using a
local L119 to news.host.com:119 tunnel to pull news across with Forte
Agent.  I ended up getting this assert from putty.exe (this is version

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Assertion failed!

Program: ...Users\Documents\Downloads\SSH\Putty\putty.exe
File: sshcrcda.c
Line: 98

Expression: !(len > (SSH_MAXBLOCKS * SSH_BLOCKSIZE) || len % SSH_BLOCKSIZE != 0)

Just thought I'd let you know.

SGT, 2024-11-17: marking this issue as historic. Last reported in 0.53b, and specific to SSH-1 (since it's in the SSH-1 detection code for the CRC compensation attack).

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Audit trail for this artifact.
(last revision of this bug record was at 2024-11-17 14:53:03 +0000)

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