
The very latest version of ftplib.pl - PL 1.1

# File Name: ftplib-1.1.pl.Z
# File Size in BYTES: 12792
# Sender/Author/Poster: sunds@asictest.sc.ti.com (David M. Sundstrom)
# Subject: Latest version of ftplib.pl
# Archived: Tue Aug 16 10:45:12 CDT 1994
# New version of Spaf's ftplib.pl
# Now includes many new features, including a PUT routine.
# Does NOT use chat2.pl, for increased speed and reliability.


A small patch for ftplib.pl 1.1

# File Name: ftplib-1.1.patch
# File Size in BYTES: 2298
# Sender/Author/Poster: dwolfe@miaow.sps.mot.com (Dave Wolfe)
# Subject: Patch for latest version of ftplib.pl
# Archived: Tue Thurs 16 10:00:00 CDT 1996
# According to Dave Wolfe:
# I discovered that ftplib.pl (1.1) drops null lines sometimes during an
# ASCII mode get. The easiest test case is a small file (gt 1024 bytes)
# with several trailing null lines. This happens because of the way split
# works when the limit parameter isn't specified. Here's my patch:


ftp.pl - Newer version, requires lchat.pl
lchat.pl - for use with ftp.pl

# File Name: ftp.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 27502
# Sender/Author/Poster: Lee McLoughlin
# Subject: ftp.pl - library
# Archived: Aug 18 1993



# File Name: ftpget
# File Size in BYTES: 22948
# Sender/Author/Poster: scott@craycos.com (Scott Bolte)
# Subject: Re: ftpget script (provided)
# Archived: Jul 1 1993
# >What I'd like is a script that just goes to a specified host, logs in,
# >cd's to the directory and then ftps the named files. Would be nice if it
# >sat atop ftp.pl.


ftpkerm: hack ftpr to write on the kermit pipe

# File Name: ftpkerm
# File Size in BYTES: 5037
# Sender/Author/Poster: merlyn
# Subject: ftpr - autoretriever
# Archived: May 2 00:43 1994
# $| = 1; # not much output, but we like to see it as it happens


ftplib.pl: spaf's ftp library

# File Name: ftplib.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 8653
# Sender/Author/Poster: Gene Spafford 
# Subject: Re: ftplib.pl ? 
# Archived: May 2 00:44 1994
# Spaf's ftp library - older version


ftpr: fetch a remote tree via ftpd

# File Name: ftpr
# File Size in BYTES: 8252
# Sender/Author/Poster: merlyn@iWarp.intel.com (Randal L. Schwartz)
# Subject: Re: Perl FTP Interface (Need Example) (Do I Use expect.pl?)
# Archived: Apr 6 1993


mirror 2.8

# File Name: mirror-2.8.tar.gz
# File Size in BYTES: 15360
# Sender/Author/Poster: lmjm@doc.ic.ac.uk (Lee McLoughlin)
# Subject: New release of mirror
# Archived: Mar 7 1996 09:00:00
# ARCHIVISTS NOTE: Mirror 2.8 is now available here, but it may
# not be the latest version.  This version is compatible with  
# perl5.002.


rftp: allow uucp neighbors to ftp from inet host

# File Name: rftp
# File Size in BYTES: 19123
# Sender/Author/Poster: fenner@postscript.cs.psu.edu (Bill Fenner)
# Subject: rftp server, do FTP via UUCP to a directly-connected Internet host
# Archived: Apr 6 1993
# $Id: rftp,v 1.5 1993/03/01 04:27:15 fenner Exp $
# This is an alpha release of my "rftp" server.
# "rftp" is designed to run on a directly-connected Internet host, and allows
# its UUCP neighbors to use it as an FTP server.  The Internet host can ftp for
# a file and UUCP it back to the requesting site.



# File Name: rftp.README
# File Size in BYTES: 1817
# Sender/Author/Poster: fenner@postscript.cs.psu.edu (Bill Fenner)
# Subject: Re: Availability of UUCP <-> FTP gateway software? (NOT FTPMAIL)
# Archived: Apr 6 1993
# Look for an alpha copy of my perl "rftp" server in alt.sources, or via
# anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.psu.edu:/pub/fenner/rftp.shar.Z .

Comments, suggestions, or criticisms on this archive to <wjm@metronet.com>

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