
mhttpd, the personal WWW server

# File Name: mhttpd-0.1.tar.gz
# File Size in BYTES: 10003
# Sender/Author/Poster: levan@eagle.eku.edu (Jerry LeVan)
# Subject: Latest version of mhttpd, the personal WWW server
# Mhttpd is a WWW server written in Perl 5.0. The server is
# easy to configure and supports GET and POST methods. Mhttpd
# also supports FORMS and both the CERN and NCSA format
# clickable images. Using mhttpd will ease the debugging
# of CGI scripts
# The latest version of this file can also be be found at:
# ftp://eagle.eku.edu/pub/perl/mhttpd-0.1.tar.gz  or
# http://eagle.eku.edu/pub/perl/mhttpd-01.1.tar.gz


sgmllstripper removes SGML markup tags from input

# File Name: sgmlstripper
# File Size in BYTES: 1469
# Sender/Author/Poster: Robert J. Seymour 
# Subject: sgmlstripper - Strip SGML markup from input.
# sgmlstripper removes SGML markup tags from input (taken through
# specified files or STDIN).  sgmlstripper uses a
# character-by-character read mode which, though not as fast as a
# regexp, is guaranteed to strip tags which fall across line or
# paragraph boundaries and preserves whitespace so that line numbers
# will be the same (the latter is useful for search engines which
# don't want to index markup, but want line numbers to be preserved).


rjsemail.cgi - Simple, Safe, Generic CGI backend mail script.

# File Name: rjsemail.cgi
# File Size in BYTES: 6036
# Sender/Author/Poster: Robert J. Seymour 
# Subject: rjsemail.cgi - Simple, Safe, Generic CGI backend mail script.
# rjsemail.cgi provides a simple, safe, and generic backend for sending
# electronic mail from a CGI program.  This script is taint checked and
# does not allow insipid commands to be executed or information to be
# divulged through user inputted strings.  You can use this script as a
# common backend for all your mail sending (HTML page example included)
# or use it as a guide to safe use of subprocesses in CGI programs.


abex - abbrev. expander for HTML docs and more

# File Name: abex
# File Size in BYTES: 4858
# Sender/Author/Poster: dls@netcom.com (Daniel L Smith)
# Subject: abex - abbrev. expander for HTML docs and more
# Archived: Apr 30 15:26 1994
# 	Ever type long paths in HTML over and over and...
# 	Ever want to write an HTML template, and have it do different
# things on different servers, or be able to update the resulting HTML
# easily?  Perhaps from crontab?


Re: Forms (POST) and PERL

# File Name: cgi.POST.stubs
# File Size in BYTES: 7068
# Sender/Author/Poster: rdr@mdavcr.mda.ca (Randolph Roesler)
# Subject: Re: Forms (POST) and PERL
# Archived: Apr 29 15:24 1994
# stub to read stdin cgi post method and produce $values{field}
# for each field in the data steam
# I use the following perl stub as a bases for writing
# post scripts in perl.  No problems with newlines.



Re: E-mail form WWW

# File Name: formmail
# File Size in BYTES: 2094
# Sender/Author/Poster: gavin@krypton.engr.sgi.com (Gavin Bell)
# Subject: Re: E-mail form WWW
# Archived: May 2 16:16 1994
# >Could someone please point me to information about how to impliment a link
# >in a html document that will allow the client to send e-mail to a specific
# >address?  I'd like to put a link at the end of each document that will
# >allow a client to send a comment to the author of the document.
# >mharrop@interlog.com
# I just did this.


htget -- script to MIRROR WWW files and directories

# File Name: htget
# File Size in BYTES: 3178
# Sender/Author/Poster: oscar@cui.unige.ch (Oscar Nierstrasz)
# Subject: htget -- script to MIRROR WWW files and directories
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# Something that's been on my "to do" list for some time now ...
# This is a first announcement for `htget', a perl script for
# mirroring WWW files and directories (using HTTP only).


Try HyperNews again

# File Name: hypernews.announce
# File Size in BYTES: 1267
# Sender/Author/Poster: liberte@cs.uiuc.edu (Daniel LaLiberte)
# Subject: Try HyperNews again
# Archived: May 1 17:37 1994
#   * The scripts are all written in Perl, but that matters only if
# you want to start serving base articles.  


ANNOUNCE: info2www - a CGI gateway for GNU Info Nodes, version 1.1

# File Name: info2www
# File Size in BYTES: 23580
# Sender/Author/Poster: lmdrsm@lmd.ericsson.se (Roar Smith , LMD/T/AD)
# Subject: ANNOUNCE: info2www - a CGI gateway for GNU Info Nodes, version 1.1
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# It gives me great pleasure to announce info2www 1.1 a CGI script for making
# GNU Info Nodes available to the WWW through your HTTP/1.0 or later server.
# You absolutely need Perl to run info2www, so if you don't have Perl then...


Re: Forms (POST) and PERL

# File Name: parse_query
# File Size in BYTES: 1610
# Sender/Author/Poster: ssd@tad.eds.com (Sean Dowd)
# Subject: Re: Forms (POST) and PERL
# Archived: May 2 16:21 1994
# also uses shellparse to get the query parms in a readable format.
# This is the one I use:


Use gs to render gif images on the fly

# File Name: plexus.GS.gifs
# File Size in BYTES: 5010
# Sender/Author/Poster: aas@nora.nr.no (Gisle Aas)
# Subject: Use gs to render gif images on the fly
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# Below is a package for the Plexus http server that shows you how you
# can make Ghostscript render some graphics for you on the fly.  This
# might be useful for those of you who want to include Greek letters and
# other symbols in their html documents. Before you install it you might


ANNOUNCE: CGI Script for Dilbert

# File Name: read-comics.011
# File Size in BYTES: 13562
# Sender/Author/Poster: jmyers@eecs.nwu.edu (Jennifer Myers)
# Subject: ANNOUNCE: CGI Script for Dilbert
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# read-comics
# Version 0.11, (January 17, 1994)
# Author: Jennifer Myers 
# 'read-comics' is a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) script for CGI-compliant 
# HTTP servers (e.g., NSCA httpd 1.0).  'read-comics' generates a hypertext 
# interface to the clari.feature.dilbert newsgroup.  It does this by 



# File Name: susi-grep.pl - Unified Search Interface (CGI)
# File Size in BYTES: 3527
# Sender/Author/Poster:  Martijn Koster (m.koster@nexor.co.uk)
# Archived: Apr 26 00:42 1994


wais.pl hack

# File Name: wais.CGI.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 4722
# Sender/Author/Poster: bm1822@sbc.com (Brian Millett)
# Subject: wais.pl hack
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# wais.pl -- WAIS search interface
# wais.pl,v 1.1 1993/12/31 09:30:56 robm Exp
# Well, I've hacked on the wais.pl script from ncsa to get it to work
# for me.  That is, the return data is interpreted correctly and I can


Announcing wwwstat-0.1 -- an access log summary program

# File Name: wwwstat.info
# File Size in BYTES: 2899
# Sender/Author/Poster: fielding@simplon.ics.uci.edu (Roy T. Fielding)
# Subject: Announcing wwwstat-0.1 -- an access log summary program
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994

# This message is to announce the availability of wwwstat Version 0.1 --
# a new program for analyzing NCSA httpd_1.0 server access logs and printing
# an HTML-formatted summary report.  The program is written in Perl

Comments, suggestions, or criticisms on this archive to <wjm@metronet.com>


Re: How to get gopher files with perl?

# File Name: URLget.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 17718
# Sender/Author/Poster: zippy@ansel.cc.utexas.edu (Jack Lund)
# Subject: Re: How to get gopher files with perl?
# Archived: Sep 20 1993
# url_get      --- get a document given a WWW URL
# Jack Lund 9/3/93 zippy@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
# from hget by:
# Oscar Nierstrasz 26/8/93 oscar@cui.unige.ch



# File Name: hoststat.WWW.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 1458
# Sender/Author/Poster: Marc VanHeyningen 
# Subject: Re: Where are the WWW users?
# Archived: Jul 3 1993
# Sure; it's in http://cs.indiana.edu/bin/hoststat.pl (it's a perl
# program.)  It's designed to read log files in which each line starts
# with a (numeric) IP address; anyone who knows perl could change


perl script for connecting to http servers

# File Name: http.get.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 2530
# Sender/Author/Poster: oscar@cui.unige.ch (Oscar Nierstrasz)
# Subject: perl script for connecting to http servers
# Archived: Aug 27 1993
# hget		--- get an html page from an http server
# Oscar Nierstrasz 26/8/93 oscar@cui.unige.ch
# following the example of Gene Spafford's ftpget
# relative URL, so assume previous host & port:

mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.