
nntp scripts for news

# # NNTP Scripts for UseNet news #


[BIG] N1P2 Newsreader - By Request

# File Name: N1P2.newsreader
# File Size in BYTES: 23488
# Sender/Author/Poster: nate@loreli.ftl.fl.us (Sean Puckett)
# Subject: [BIG] N1P2 Newsreader - By Request
# Archived: Apr 29 12:09 1994

# Here is my newsreader, N1P2, posted by request.  From the file 
# header:


Mailclip was Re: Newsclip?

# File Name: mailclip
# File Size in BYTES: 25771
# Sender/Author/Poster: friedman@bnr.ca (Barry Friedman)
# Subject: Mailclip was Re: Newsclip?
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
#  Mailclip reads the clip output and produces a formatted compendium
#  of all articles clipped.  Then it reads a list of recipients from
#  the file specified in $MLIST and mails them a copy.  The lines in
#  $MLIST are of the form:


Automatic Keywords

# File Name: news.posting.keywords.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 1900
# Sender/Author/Poster: mjd@saul.cis.upenn.edu (Mark-Jason Dominus)
# Subject: Automatic Keywords
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# The enclosed program generates `Keywords:' lines for your mail messages
# and news posts.  It accepts as arguments a number of keywords to
# generate (default is 4) and a list of files to select keywords from


newser - acc. news browser

# File Name: newser.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 15494
# Sender/Author/Poster: jolomo@netcom.com (Joe Morris)
# Subject: newser - acc. news browser
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# $Id: newser,v 1.16 1993/12/02 20:20:10 joe Exp $
# Perl program that treats those accumulated News and Mail files as
# a sort of database.


newscan - a Perl Network News scanner script

# File Name: newsscan
# File Size in BYTES: 50278
# Sender/Author/Poster: jfm@cadhub.SLAC.Stanford.EDU (John F. McGowan)
# Subject: newscan - a Perl Network News scanner script
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# 	Below is the source code for newscan, a Perl script for
# searching selected Internet newsgroups for articles containing matches to
# Perl regular expressions.  newscan can also veto articles containing
# other matches.  The source contains an embedded manual page following the
# convention in Programming Perl by Randal Schwarz.  The manpage is in nroff
# at the end of the source.


Re: ? Newsreader in perl

# File Name: prn-1.09.tar.Z.uu
# File Size in BYTES: 32404
# Sender/Author/Poster: tshiono@cv.sony.co.jp (Toru SHIONO)
# Subject: Re: ? Newsreader in perl
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# :: Lately I've written an NNTP based newsreader in curseperl,
# :Could you post it?
# As there were some requests, please let me post it here:


patch for prn (Perl news reader)

# File Name: prn.patch
# File Size in BYTES: 2953
# Sender/Author/Poster: tshiono@cv.sony.co.jp (Toru SHIONO)
# Subject: patch for prn (Perl news reader)
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# A couple of weeks before I posted here a small newsreader written in
# curseperl.  After that I found some bugs to be fixed.  Here's the patch:


sys2gup - convert from C News sys-Files to gup dirs 4 with INN

# File Name: sys2gup
# File Size in BYTES: 2842
# Sender/Author/Poster: hwr@pilhuhn.sub.org (Heiko W.Rupp)
# Subject: sys2gup - convert from C News sys-Files to gup dirs 4 with INN
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# this is my first version of sys2gup, a script, which converts from C
# News sys-files to the directories used by gup when running INN. The
# script does a conversion from sys to newsfeeds format. It is f*ucking
# slow, as the grep is slow - any suggestions to increase speed are
# welcome. 


Perl source creates INN's unwanted groups

# File Name: unwanted.inn.tool
# File Size in BYTES: 2046
# Sender/Author/Poster: devin@epicycle.lm.com (Tod McQuillin)
# Subject: Perl source creates INN's unwanted groups
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# unwanted 1.0 - offer to create unwanted newsgroups from INN's news.daily
#	and summarise and offer to create the "Top unwanted newsgroups"


update 'min' and 'max' fields in 'active' file

# File Name: updminmax.upact.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 8041
# Sender/Author/Poster: dhesi@rahul.net (Rahul Dhesi)
# Subject: update 'min' and 'max' fields in 'active' file
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# Update min and max fields in active file.  Based on ideas in
# two shell scripts that come with C-News.  This program
# gets newsgroup names from the active file, gets the article numbers
# from the spool directory for each newsgroup, and corrects the min
# and max fields in the active file.  It is useful for keeping the


uudconc - a perl uudecoding utility for multiple target files.

# File Name: uudconc.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 12080
# Sender/Author/Poster: vigs2@nic.cerf.net (Rick Schlientz)
# Subject: uudconc - a perl uudecoding utility for multiple target files.
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# This script is used to uudecode files that are all strung together in one
# long file.  I came up with the idea for the script from my news use - I'm
# always saving all the binary files into one big news save file (because



# File Name: Psig
# File Size in BYTES: 4578
# Sender/Author/Poster: king@rtsg.mot.com (Steven King, Software Archaeologist)
# Subject: Re: Random .sigs?
# Archived: Oct 12 1993
# Synopsis: Psig newsgroup [Pnews-parms]
# (Though this should only be called from a newsreader...)
# Selects a signature based on the current newsgroup.  Psig will
# read the News directory tree in the user's home directory


Regex News - scan news for multiple keywords/users (compressed)

# File Name: RegEx.News.tar.Z
# File Size in BYTES: 22174
# Archived: Sep 23 1993
# RegEx News - multi user news scanning utility
# Tarred and compressed binary file



# File Name: RegEx.News.tar.Z.uue
# File Size in BYTES: 32725
# Sender/Author/Poster: 
# Subject: 
# Archived: Aug 31 1993
#   Here's a little ditty that we've been running for awhile, called
# RegEx News.  As you might guess, it scans all of USENET for articles
# with interesting regular expressions (keywords).  It then allows


brn, a newsreader for dos and dumb terminals

# File Name: brn.bak
# File Size in BYTES: 21380
# Sender/Author/Poster: budi
# Subject: brn - newsreader for DOS
# Archived: Apr 6 1993


Re: Unbatcher Out of Sync?

# File Name: chklength.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 3187
# Sender/Author/Poster: bill@Celestial.COM (Bill Campbell)
# Subject: Re: Unbatcher Out of Sync?
# Archived: Jul 30 1993
# That aside, the problem is that characters have been
# dropped/added in the incoming batch file.  Each article has a
# header of the form:
# where the 1885 above is the length of the article, thus I should
# be able to seek ahead 1885 characters and find another header:



# File Name: choosenews.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 15937
# Sender/Author/Poster: brooks@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Brooks Smith)
# Subject: choosenews I
# Archived: Mar 5 1993
# Choosenews -- written by Brooks David Smith       sometime in 1991
# I noticed recently that Scott Yanoff has posted choose news II here and
# there.  I thought some of you might be interested in seeing choosenews I.
# It grew out of an expressed need of our novice users when confronted with
# the large number of sometimes obscurely named newsgroups available.


Cleanup your .newsrc with this handy tool by spaf

# File Name: clean.newsrc.spaf
# File Size in BYTES: 5262
# Sender/Author/Poster: spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)
# Subject: Re: Perl .newsrc cleanup script?
# Archived: Oct 10 1993
# This takes as argument the .newsrc file and the news/lib/active file.
# It updates all the range lists in newsgroup lines, and sorts them
# according to a prespecified order (see the pattern list).  Then it
# writes out a new copy with ! lines at the end.



# File Name: cleanup.newsrc.oneliner
# File Size in BYTES: 1510
# Sender/Author/Poster: merlyn@ora.com (Randal L. Schwartz)
# Subject: Re: Perl .newsrc cleanup script?
# Archived: Oct 9 1993


clip, search newsspool for your regexp(s)

# File Name: clip
# File Size in BYTES: 16069
# Sender/Author/Poster: lwall and tchrist
# Subject: clip - scan usenet and report to single user
# Archived: Apr 6 1993


dlhunter (v 2.02) automated news binary extraction utility

# File Name: csmisc.dl
# File Size in BYTES: 42427
# Sender/Author/Poster: middle@cse.uta.edu  (William Middleton)
# Subject: v31i070:  dlhunter - news binary extraction utility v2.02, Part01/01
# Archived: Apr 6 1993


deadgroups: tell which groups aren't being used

# File Name: deadgroups.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 6295
# Sender/Author/Poster: koreth@spud.Hyperion.COM (Steven Grimm)
# Subject: deadgroups.pl -- Scan for unused newsgroups
# Archived: Apr 6 1993
# deadgroups.pl v2.0 93/03/14 koreth@hyperion.com
# Figure out which newsgroups aren't being used on your system.  Scans through
# the news active file to get a list of groups, then sees which groups are
# being read (by looking at users' .newsrc files) and fed (by looking through
# the newsfeeds file).


fetch-news a personal news transfer engine -- testers neeeded.

# File Name: fetchnews.info
# File Size in BYTES: 40759
# Sender/Author/Poster: muir@idiom.berkeley.ca.us (David Muir Sharnoff)
# Subject: fetch-news a personal news transfer engine -- testers neeeded.



# File Name: fixnewsrc.tar.z
# File Size in BYTES: 4668
# Archived: Jun 17 1993
# Large tool for repairing/improving your newsrc
# Compressed binary file


Re: Reading MOTD but only once.

# File Name: news.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 1572
# Sender/Author/Poster: dcs@neutron.chem.yale.edu (Dave Schweisguth)
# Subject: Re: Reading MOTD but only once.
# Archived: Oct 3 1993
# And, if it must be Perl (the header suggests so), I've written a 'news' in
# Perl. It's at neutron.chem.yale.edu in /pub/news.tar.Z.



# File Name: pInews.beta.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 20754
# Sender/Author/Poster: pat@jaameri.gsfc.nasa.gov (patrick m. ryan)
# Subject: pInews (beta), a Perl NNTP posting program
# Archived: Jun 14 1993
# 	Included below is the beta version of my Perl NNTP posting
# program, pInews. Please let me know if it works for you.


perl arbitron for news group readership

# File Name: parbitron
# File Size in BYTES: 4323
# Sender/Author/Poster: ?
# Subject: News Arbitron written in perl
# Archived: Apr 6 1993


Re: feeding only local postings in INN

# File Name: sendbatches.in.perl
# File Size in BYTES: 2060
# Sender/Author/Poster: Christophe.Wolfhugel@grasp.insa-lyon.fr
# Subject: Re: feeding only local postings in INN
# Archived: Aug 17 1993
# In your newsfeeds entry:
# Read newsfeeds(5) for details regarding the exclusions.


Usenet Death Penalty

# File Name: usenet.death.penalty
# File Size in BYTES: 2839
# Sender/Author/Poster: rsalz@uunet.uu.net (Rich Salz)
# Subject: Usenet Death Penalty
# Archived: Aug 18 1993
# Cancel wars seem to be on the rise.  It's too bad people aren't more
# mature -- it's on the same level as urinating in the public swimming
# pool.  At the risk of adding to the amount of waste, here is what some
# might consider to be the final word on the matter.  It's a Perl script
# intended to be run as a real-time feed by INN.  It should be able to
# cancel articles within seconds after they hit your site.

Comments, suggestions, or criticisms on this archive to:
<wjm@metronet.com>, or the original author of the item.

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