
Develop DISPLAY Variable for X at login time.

# File Name: getXdisplayvar.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 2691
# Sender/Author/Poster: max@cis.uni-muenchen.de (Max Hadersbeck)
# Subject: Develop DISPLAY Variable for X at login time.
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# This program gets the right host and display-name for your DISPLAY
# variable. This is very usefull in a login script, 
# if you connect to a remote machine


Perl shell (iperl)

# File Name: interactive-perl-shell
# File Size in BYTES: 2654
# Sender/Author/Poster: bcutter@paradyne.com (Brooks Cutter)
# Subject: Perl shell (iperl)
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# Interactive Perl.
# A number of people have been looking for a Perl Shell.  I picked this
# up off the net a while back, it was written by Cameron Simpson and
# allows you to execute perl a line at a time...


Re: analyzing /var/adm/lastlog

# File Name: lastlog.anal
# File Size in BYTES: 6481
# Sender/Author/Poster: mike@meiko.com (Mike Stok)
# Subject: Re: analyzing /var/adm/lastlog
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# In article <1994Jan19.143326.11913@elsevier.nl>,
# Nico Poppelier  wrote:
# >How do you analyze /var/adm/lastlog -- lastlog is the file



# File Name: perlpp.try.and.recover
# File Size in BYTES: 5884
# Sender/Author/Poster: husni@iem.com (Husni Sayed)
# Subject: TRY/RECOVER in Perl
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# Perl has great  constructs,  but it is weak when it comes to  handling
# errors, run-time, and compile time.  In my past life (at HP), I worked
# with another engineer on implementing a structured error handling into


Re: question about a loop of piped processes

# File Name: pipe.Q.and.A
# File Size in BYTES: 3266
# Sender/Author/Poster: Tony.Parent@FtCollins.NCR.COM (tony parent)
# Subject: Re: question about a loop of piped processes
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# >    I tried a simple example of bidirectional pipes using perl, however it
# > doesn't work.
# >    The example forks a process "sort" which feeds result to its parent.
# > Can anyone  fix it ? Thanks.


Re: checking whether information is waiting in

# File Name: pipe.data.ready.using.select.and.vec
# File Size in BYTES: 1651
# Sender/Author/Poster: sunds@asictest.sc.ti.com (David M. Sundstrom)
# Subject: Re: checking whether information is waiting in
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# > I have some a perl program that reads from a pipe, 
# > so FILEHANDLE is data being generated on the fly.
# > I'd like to be able to check whether any data is pending 


Re: How to determine whether running Perl 4 or perl 5?

# File Name: preambulate
# File Size in BYTES: 3783
# Sender/Author/Poster: Tom Christiansen 
# Subject: Re: How to determine whether running Perl 4 or perl 5?
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# :Can a Perl program determine at run time whether Perl 4 or Perl 5 is in
# :control?


Re: Critical regions or sighold & sigrelse

# File Name: sighandle.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 7229
# Sender/Author/Poster: paul@hal.COM (Paul Sander)
# Subject: Re: Critical regions or sighold & sigrelse
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994

# In article  fop@teal.csn.org (J. Gabriel Foster) writes:
# >Hello,
# >	I am implementing a simple spooling daemon with perl, and I need
# >to be able to create some sections of code that cannot be interrupted by
# >signals,  but I don't want to lose those signals.  


Connecting to STDIN/STDOUT of another program

# File Name: STDIN.STDOUT.connection.pipe
# File Size in BYTES: 4675
# Sender/Author/Poster: mike@software.com (Michael D'Errico)
# Subject: Connecting to STDIN/STDOUT of another program (was "Redirecting I/O")
# Archived: Oct 17 1993
# > The good book
# > (Nutshell) says "You may not have an open command that pipes both in and
# > out, though it's easy to build one using the pipe and fork commands).
# > Well, I guess you know why I am here now, how do I both read and write to
# > a program,
# Below is a script that does this.  It creates two pipes for communication
# between the Perl script and the external program, then forks and execs the
# external program with the pipes attached to STDIN/STDOUT.  The perl script
# also creates the filehandles KEYBOARD and TERMINAL which do the obvious.
# You can then issue commands to the program via STDOUT, and read the responses


An example using chat2's open_proc() calling /bin/passwd

# File Name: chat2.proc.passwd.examp
# File Size in BYTES: 2173
# Sender/Author/Poster: merlyn@ora.com (Randal L. Schwartz)
# Subject: Re: chat2'open_proc
# Archived: Aug 5 1993
# Scott> I'm trying to open a process to change a users password.  I think I need
# Scott> to use chat2'open_proc() but I'm not sure how.  Can someone show me an 
# Scott> example of using that to read from/write to a process.  Thanks.
# ($user,$pass) = "bin","bad boy";


Re: perl's equiv of csh 'limit'?

# File Name: limit.memory.example
# File Size in BYTES: 3429
# Sender/Author/Poster: mac@rhea.chronologic.com (Michael T.Y. McNamara)
# Subject: Re: perl's equiv of csh 'limit'?
# Archived: Aug 8 1993
# > Is there a Perl equivalent of csh's 'limit' command 
# > (or the 'vlimit' call in C)?  Currently I am using the
# Snipped out of my verilog compiler regression perl driver, which wants
# to arrange so that children generate no corefiles, don't run into
# "arbitrarily small" stack limits, and don't infinate loop:



# File Name: piping.question
# File Size in BYTES: 1462
# Sender/Author/Poster: rjohnson@shell.com (Roy Johnson)
# Subject: Re: Novice question about piping
# Archived: Apr 27 1993
# Read desired result from RH
# Write data to OUT
# mostow@watson.ibm.com (MA.Mostow;333123) writes:
#    I want my Perl program to generate a number of lines of output,
#    pipe them to a command, and store the standard output of that command
# This works nicely.


Implementation of 'rcmd(3n)' in perl?

# File Name: rcmd.implementation.pl
# File Size in BYTES: 3908
# Sender/Author/Poster: olson@raptor.mcs.anl.gov (Bob Olson)
# Subject: Re: Implementation of 'rcmd(3n)' in perl?
# Archived: Sep 18 1993
# rcmd implementation
# Robert Olson
# olson@mcs.anl.gov
# Argonne National Laboratory
# October, 1991
#    ($name,$aliases,$rport) = getservbyname($rport, 'tcp')
#	unless $rport =~ /^\d+$/;

# >I was just curious if anyone had written the equivalent of 'rcmd()'
# >in perl.
# Matter of fact I have. At least it looks like it; I wrote this
# two years ago and haven't looked at it since. Buyer beware :-).

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