Who ever care about the [art of R] scripts?

Travis build status R-CMD-check

ARTofR is designed to make something like this:

#........................ARTofR line break.......................

It is a wrapper of bannerCommenter::banner(), written with thanks to the author, Bill Venables


Install from CRAN:


OR you can install the beta version of ARTofR from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Usage 1 - copy and paste

  1. type your text in any text editor
  2. copy your text
  3. call xxx_box() or xxx_box1() etc without arguments in R console
  4. NO NEED to copy again!!!
  5. paste into your R script

For example: image

Usage 2 - hand-typing

xxx_title2('your title')

##                                  your title                              ----

xxx_box1('your comments')

#                                                                              .
#  your comments                                                               .
#                                                                              .

FUNCTION1: xxx_title

xxx_title() will automatically bring you a navigation panel

but xxx_divider will not

For example: this


##                                                                            ~~
##                                   ARTOFR                                 ----
##                                                                            ~~


##                                                                            --
##                                                                            --


##                                   ARTofR                                 ----

##  ~ ARTofR  ----

FUNCTION2: xxx_divider

You need to turn-off auto-indent in options\code of R studio, to keep the spaces before the line break




     #                            ARTofR                            ~~~

FUNCTION3: xxx_box

Copy this paragraph:

I used ARTofR everyday and it makes my R script so neat. I used ARTofR everyday and it makes my R script so neat. I used ARTofR everyday and it makes my R script so neat.
I recommended this pacakge to all my families.
Yes, even my grandmother like it!

Then in your R console do:


#  I used ARTofR everyday and it makes my R script so neat. I used ARTofR       
#  everyday and it makes my R script so neat. I used ARTofR everyday and it     
#  makes my R script so neat.                                                   
#  I recommended this pacakge to all my families.                               
#  Yes, even my grandmother like it!                                        

#                                                                              .
#  I used ARTofR everyday and it makes my R script so neat. I used ARTofR      .
#  everyday and it makes my R script so neat. I used ARTofR everyday and it    .
#  makes my R script so neat.                                                  .
#                                                                              .
#  I recommended this pacakge to all my families.                              .
#                                                                              .
#  Yes, even my grandmother like it!                                           .
#                                                                              .

  xxx_box1(center = T)
#                                                                              .
#    I used ARTofR everyday and it makes my R script so neat. I used ARTofR    .
#   everyday and it makes my R script so neat. I used ARTofR everyday and it   .
#                          makes my R script so neat.                          .
#                                                                              .
#                I recommended this pacakge to all my families.                .
#                                                                              .
#                      Yes, even my grandmother like it!                       .
#                                                                              .

FUNCTION4: xxx_list

Copy this list:

1. I used ARTofR everyday
2. I used ARTofR everyday and it makes my R script so neat. I used ARTofR everyday and it makes my R script so neat.
3. I recommended this pacakge to all my families. I recommended this pacakge to all my families.
4. Yes, even my grandmother like it!

Then in your R console:


#  1. I used ARTofR everyday                                                
#  2. I used ARTofR everyday and it makes my R script so neat. I used ARTofR
#     everyday and it makes my R script so neat.                            
#  3. I recommended this pacakge to all my families. I recommended this     
#     pacakge to all my families.                                           
#  4. Yes, even my grandmother like it!                                     

#                                                                              .
#  1. I used ARTofR everyday                                                   .
#  2. I used ARTofR everyday and it makes my R script so neat. I used ARTofR   .
#     everyday and it makes my R script so neat.                               .
#  3. I recommended this pacakge to all my families. I recommended this        .
#     pacakge to all my families.                                              .
#  4. Yes, even my grandmother like it!                                        .
#                                                                              .

xxx_list1(center = T) is not recommended, use xxx_box(center=T)

Tips and warnings:


There is a gratuitous advice in BannerCommenter help doc saying: ‘A potential danger of providing this simple facility is that some authors may be tempted to overdo their script decoration.’

These set of functions, being a wrapper of banner, was designed to

  1. Achieve a balance between simplicity and complexity
  2. Make use of Rstudio section tag and build a hierarchy
  3. From clipboard to clipboard (e.g. call xxx_box() with no input, last texts in clipboard will be grabbed into the function)
  4. It was called xxx so that it can be distinguished from any other R packages.

Other packages

Here are some other pacakages I found useful for R codes formatting:

strcode styler bannercommenter

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