AWR.Kinesis: An Amazon Kinesis Client Library for R

This R package is a wrapper around and an interface to the Amazon Kinesis Client Library (KCL) MultiLangDaemon, which is part of the Amazon KCL for Java. This Java-based daemon takes care of communicating with the Kinesis API (to retrieve status of streams, shards and eg to retrieve records from those) and also handles a bunch of other useful things, like checkpointing using Amazon DynamoDB – so that the R developer can actually concentrate on the stream processing algorithm.

Writing a record processor application

A minimal stream processing script written in R looks something like:

AWR.Kinesis::kinesis_consumer(processRecords = function(records) {

This R script, executed by the MultiLangDaemon, reads records from the Kinesis stream and logs those as JSON in the application log, which by default is a temporary file. Note: it’s important not to write anything to stdout, as stdin and stdout is used by the package internals to communicate with the MultiLangDaemon. But as the package is already imports and integrates the logger R package, it’s very convenient to use the log functions for app logging with various log levels.

Let’s see a more complex stream processing app:

        initialize     = function()
            log_info('Loading some data'),
        processRecords = function(records)
            log_info('Received some records from Kinesis'),
        shutdown       = function()
        updater        = list(
            list(1, function()
                log_info('Updating some data every minute')),
            list(1/60, function()
                log_info('This is a high frequency updater call'))))

This application takes multiple (anonymous) functions. Besides the processRecords argument, which we used in the above application to define a function to process the records, we also have an init, a shutdown and two updater functions. The initialize and shutdown calls are trivial: these functions are run when the applications starts and when it stops, eg when there are no further records to be read from a shard due to a shard merge operation.

The updater part starts a timer in the background and executes the defined functions at the given frequency (1 minute and 1 second in the above example) before the processRecords calls.

So this application will log * Loading some data on app start, * Received some records from Kinesis every time it reads from Kinesis, * This is a high frequency updater call (almost) every second after a process records call, * Updating some data every minute around once a minute, * Bye when the app stops.

Use the initialize function to load/cache some data for the processRecords calls, then use the updater functions to refresh your cached data on a regular basis. To store credentials to databases, APIs etc, use the botor R package to interact with the AWS Key Management Service.

Executing the record processor application

The R script has to be an executable, so add the executable bit (chmod +x) and also set a hashbang (for eg Rscript or use littler). Then define a configuration file for the MultiLangDaemon, for example the content of could be as simple as:

executableName = ./demo_app.R
streamName = demo_stream
applicationName = demo_app

This config file will look for a demo_stream Kinesis stream in the default (US East) region, start reading the oldest available record (via TRIM_HORIZON), and run the demo_app.R script to process the records, using to the demo_app DynamodDB table for checkpointing. There are quite many other useful settings as well, see the example file of the Python client for more details.

Running the MultiLangDaemon with the above defined configuration file is easy, as the required jar files are bundled with the AWR and AWR.Kinesis packages. So first, identify where the jar files were installed:

sapply(c('AWR', 'AWR.Kinesis'), function(pkg) system.file('java', package = pkg))

This returns two folders that you should pass as custom classpaths to java, for example:

/usr/bin/java -cp `Rscript --vanilla -e "cat(paste(c(sapply(c('AWR', 'AWR.Kinesis'), function(pkg) file.path(system.file('java', package = pkg), '*')), './'), collapse = ':'))"` ./

Please note that you need AWS access to both Kinesis and DynamoDB to get the above examples working.

Further reading

Again, this is just a wrapper around the MultiLangDaemon, so the related documentation will be extremely useful if you get stuck: * AWS introduction into Kinesis * AWS docs on using the KCL * Java Kinesis Client * Python Kinesis Client

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