Introduction to the ActivityIndex package in R

Jiawei Bai


The ActivityIndex package contains functions to 1) read raw accelerometry data and 2) compute “Activity Index” (AI) using the raw data. This introduction provides step-by-step instructions on how to read data from .csv files and then compute AI.

Data description

The sample data were collected by accelerometer GT3X+ (ActiGraph, ), downloaded from . The data are available in the ActivityIndex package and their paths can be acquired using command:

system.file("extdata", "sample_GT3X+.csv.gz", package = "ActivityIndex")
system.file("extdata", "sample_table.csv.gz", package = "ActivityIndex")

sample_GT3X+.csv.gz is the standard output of GT3X+ accelerometer, with a \(10\)-line header containing the basic information of the data collection, followed by \(3\)-column raw acceleration data. sample_table.csv.gz contains the same \(3\)-column acceleration data without the \(10\)-line header. The first \(15\) lines of sample_GT3X+.csv.gz are shown below:

## ------------ Data File Created By ActiGraph GT3X+ ActiLife v6.7.1 Firmware v2.5.0 date format M/d/yyyy at 30 Hz  Filter Normal -----------
## Serial Number: NEO1DXXXXXXXX
## Start Time 10:54:00
## Start Date 6/27/2012
## Epoch Period (hh:mm:ss) 00:00:00
## Download Time 16:25:52
## Download Date 6/28/2012
## Current Memory Address: 0
## Current Battery Voltage: 4.22     Mode = 12
## --------------------------------------------------
## 0,0,0
## 0,0,0
## 0,0,0
## 0,0,0
## 0,0,0

while the first \(5\) lines of sample_table.csv.gz are

## 0,0,0
## 0,0,0
## 0,0,0
## 0,0,0
## 0,0,0

Users should follow the same format while preparing their own data.

Read the data

ReadGT3XPlus and ReadTable functions read the GT3X+ .csv.gz file and the \(3\)-column acceleration table, respectively. To read the data, use the following code

sampleGT3XPlus = ReadGT3XPlus(system.file("extdata", 
    "sample_GT3X+.csv.gz", package = "ActivityIndex"))
sampleTable = ReadTable(system.file("extdata", "sample_table.csv.gz", 
    package = "ActivityIndex"))

Now that object sampleGT3XPlus has class GT3XPlus, which contains the raw data and header information. Function ReadGT3XPlus automatically applies time stamps to the acceleration time series using the information from the header. For example, our sample data look like this

## List of 8
##  $ SN          : chr "NEO1DXXXXXXXX"
##  $ StartTime   : chr "10:54:00"
##  $ StartDate   : chr "2012-06-27"
##  $ Epoch       : chr "00:00:00"
##  $ DownloadTime: chr "16:25:52"
##  $ DownloadDate: chr "2012-06-28"
##  $ Hertz       : num 30
##  $ Raw         :Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame':   1006080 obs. of  5 variables:
##   ..$ Date: chr [1:1006080] "2012-06-27" "2012-06-27" "2012-06-27" "2012-06-27" ...
##   ..$ Time: chr [1:1006080] "10:54:00" "10:54:00" "10:54:00" "10:54:00" ...
##   ..$ X   : num [1:1006080] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##   ..$ Y   : num [1:1006080] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##   ..$ Z   : num [1:1006080] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##   ..- attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 
##  - attr(*, "class")= chr "GT3XPlus"

However, sampleTable is much simpler, since limited information was given. The first \(6\) lines of it look like this

head(sampleTable, n = 6)
##    Index X Y Z
## 1:     1 0 0 0
## 2:     2 0 0 0
## 3:     3 0 0 0
## 4:     4 0 0 0
## 5:     5 0 0 0
## 6:     6 0 0 0

Compute AI

AI is a metric to reflect the variability of the raw acceleration signals after removing systematic noise of the signals. Formally, its definition (a one-second AI) is

\[ \text{AI}^{\text{new}}_i(t;H)=\sqrt{\max\left(\frac{1}{3}\left\{\sum_{m=1}^{3}{\frac{\sigma^2_{im}(t;H)-\bar{\sigma}^2_{i}}{\bar{\sigma}^2_{i}}}\right\},0\right)},\label{EQ: AI} \] where \(\sigma^2_{im}(t;H)\) (\(m=1,2,3\)) is axis-\(m\)’s moving variance during the window starting from time \(t\) (of size \(H\)), and \(\bar{\sigma}_i\) is the systematic noise of the signal when the device is placed steady.

Function computeActivityIndex is used to compute AI. The syntax of the function is

computeActivityIndex(x, x_sigma0 = NULL, sigma0 = NULL, 
    epoch = 1, hertz)

x is the data used to compute AI. It can either be a GT3XPlus object, or a \(4\)-column data frame (tri-axial acceleration time series with an index column). Either x_sigma0 or sigma0 are used to determine the systematic noise \(\bar{\sigma}_i\). More detailed example will follow to illustrate how to use them. epoch is the epoch length (in second) of the AI. For example, the default epoch=1 yields to \(1\)-second AI, while minute-by-minute AI is given by epoch=60. hertz specifies the sample rate (in Hertz), which is usually \(10\), \(30\) or \(80\), etc.

We will continue our example of computing AI using our data sampleGT3XPlus and sampleTable.

Find \(\bar{\sigma}_i\) on-the-fly

According to the definition of the systematic noise \(\bar{\sigma}_i\), it changes with subject \(i\). Therefore, strictly speaking, we are to compute \(\bar{\sigma}_i\) every time we compute AI for a new subject \(i\). Argument x_sigma0 can be used to specify a \(4\)-column data frame (one column for indices and three columns for acceleration) which is used to calculate \(\bar{\sigma}_i\). The \(4\)-column data frame should contain the raw accelerometry data collected while the accelerometer is not worn or kept steady. For example, if we say a segment of our sample data (sampleTable[1004700:1005600,]) meets such requirement, we could compute AI using the following code

AI_sampleTable_x = computeActivityIndex(sampleTable, 
    x_sigma0 = sampleTable[1004700:1005600, ], epoch = 1, 
    hertz = 30)
AI_sampleGT3XPlus_x = computeActivityIndex(sampleGT3XPlus, 
    x_sigma0 = sampleTable[1004700:1005600, ], epoch = 1, 
    hertz = 30)

Find \(\bar{\sigma}_i\) beforehand

Sometimes we do not want to calculate \(\bar{\sigma}_i\) whenever computing AI. For example, if \(10\) accelerometers were used to collect data over \(100\) subjects, there is no reason to calculate \(\bar{\sigma}_i\) for \(100\) times. One \(\bar{\sigma}_i\) is only needed for one accelerometer. Furthermore, if we could verify the \(\bar{\sigma}_i\)’s of the \(10\) accelerometers are close to each others, we could combine them into a single \(\bar{\sigma}=\sum_{i=1}^{10}{\bar{\sigma}_i}/10\). In this case, \(\bar{\sigma}\) will be used for all subjects in that study, which is crucial for fast processing of data collected by large studies.

This can be achieved by using the argument x_sigma0 to specify a pre-determined \(\bar{\sigma}_i\). Still using the same segment of data (sampleTable[1004700:1005600,]) as an example, we calculate a sample_sigma0 beforehand with code

sample_sigma0 = Sigma0(sampleTable[1004700:1005600, ], 
    hertz = 30)

Then we could use this sample_sigma0=\(0.00218\) to compute AI with code

AI_sampleTable = computeActivityIndex(sampleTable, sigma0 = sample_sigma0, 
    epoch = 1, hertz = 30)
AI_sampleGT3XPlus = computeActivityIndex(sampleGT3XPlus, 
    sigma0 = sample_sigma0, epoch = 1, hertz = 30)

Explore AI

Using either method to compute AI yield to the same result. The output of function computeActivityIndex has two columns: RecordNo saves the indices and AI stores AI. The first \(10\) lines of AI_sampleGT3XPlus is as follow

head(AI_sampleGT3XPlus, n = 10)
## Showing head and tail rows
##   RecordNo      AI
## 1 10:54:00   0.000
## 2 10:54:01   0.000
## 3 10:54:02   0.000
## 4 10:54:03   0.000
## 5 10:54:04 133.708
## 6 10:54:05  34.837
##    RecordNo      AI
## 5  10:54:04 133.708
## 6  10:54:05  34.837
## 7  10:54:06  62.947
## 8  10:54:07  54.207
## 9  10:54:08 124.708
## 10 10:54:09 147.842

We could also compute AI in different epoch. Say we want minute-by-minute AI, then we could use the following code

AI_sampleTable_min = computeActivityIndex(sampleTable, 
    sigma0 = sample_sigma0, epoch = 60, hertz = 30)
AI_sampleGT3XPlus_min = computeActivityIndex(sampleGT3XPlus, 
    sigma0 = sample_sigma0, epoch = 60, hertz = 30)

And according to the definition of AI, the minute-by-minute AI’s are simply the sum of all 1-second AI within each minute. The AI during the first \(6\) minutes are

## Showing head and tail rows
##   RecordNo       AI
## 1 10:54:00 3002.460
## 2 10:55:00  392.185
## 3 10:56:00  655.593
## 4 10:57:00   89.337
## 5 10:58:00  499.150
## 6 10:59:00  238.130
##   RecordNo       AI
## 1 10:54:00 3002.460
## 2 10:55:00  392.185
## 3 10:56:00  655.593
## 4 10:57:00   89.337
## 5 10:58:00  499.150
## 6 10:59:00  238.130

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