COAST from Summary Statistics

Updated: 2024-11-21



COASTSS runs a coding-variant allelic series test starting from standard summary statistics. COASTSS is not identical to the test provided by COAST, as some components of the original test could not be calculated from standard summary statistics. Nonetheless, both methods behave similarly and provide consistent results in large samples.

Summary statistics

The function CalcSumstats can be used to calculate the required summary statistics. The essential inputs are the annotation vector anno, the subject by variant genotype matrix geno, and the phenotype vector pheno. If covariates covar are not provided, an intercept-only covariate matrix is adopted by default. If covariates are provided, an intercept should be included as necessary. For additional details on the data generating process DGP, see the data_generation vignette.


# Generate data.
n <- 1e4
data <- AllelicSeries::DGP(
  n = n,
  snps = 300,
  beta = c(1, 4, 9) / sqrt(n),

# Generate summary statistics.
sumstats <- AllelicSeries::CalcSumstats(
  anno = data$anno,
  covar = data$covar,
  geno = data$geno,
  pheno = data$pheno

The output sumstats is a list containing:


The required inputs to COASTSS are the annotation vector anno along with the per-variant effect sizes beta and standard errors se. Ideally, the in-sample ld matrix is also provided. If the LD matrix is not provided, an identity matrix is assumed. This approximation is reasonable when the LD is minimal, as is expected among rare variants, however it may break down if variants of sufficient minor allele count are included in the analysis. If available, we recommend always providing the in-sample LD matrix. The minor allele frequencies maf are optionally provided to allow the allelic SKAT test to up-weight rarer variants.

# COAST-SS, with LD and MAF provided.
full <- AllelicSeries::COASTSS(
  anno = sumstats$sumstats$anno,
  beta = sumstats$sumstats$beta,
  se = sumstats$sumstats$se,
  maf = sumstats$sumstats$maf,
  ld = sumstats$ld
#> Effect Sizes:
#>   test beta    se
#> 1 base 0.01 0.008
#> 2 base 0.03 0.010
#> 3 base 0.11 0.020
#> 4  sum 0.02 0.003
#> P-values:
#>           test   type     pval
#> 1     baseline burden 2.01e-10
#> 2    sum_count burden 2.99e-10
#> 3 allelic_skat   skat 4.94e-07
#> 4         omni   omni 4.81e-10

# COAST-SS, with LD and MAF omitted.
minimal <- AllelicSeries::COASTSS(
  anno = sumstats$sumstats$anno,
  beta = sumstats$sumstats$beta,
  se = sumstats$sumstats$se
#> Warning in CheckInputsSS(anno = anno, beta = beta, se = se, lambda = lambda, :
#> If LD is not provided, an identity matrix is assumed. This may not be accurate
#> in cases where the LD is appreciable.
#> Effect Sizes:
#>   test beta    se
#> 1 base 0.01 0.008
#> 2 base 0.03 0.010
#> 3 base 0.11 0.020
#> 4  sum 0.02 0.003
#> P-values:
#>           test   type     pval
#> 1     baseline burden 2.62e-10
#> 2    sum_count burden 3.05e-10
#> 3 allelic_skat   skat 1.86e-08
#> 4         omni   omni 5.56e-10

Alternating weighting schemes

By default, COASTSS, like COAST, uses a simple linear weighting scheme of weights = c(1, 2, 3). Here, the data were simulated with a geometric weighting scheme of weights = c(1, 4, 9). By changing the weighting scheme of COASTSS to match the generative model, we can improve power.

# COAST-SS, alternate weights.
results <- AllelicSeries::COASTSS(
  anno = sumstats$sumstats$anno,
  beta = sumstats$sumstats$beta,
  se = sumstats$sumstats$se,
  maf = sumstats$sumstats$maf,
  ld = sumstats$ld,
  weights = c(1, 4, 9)
#> Effect Sizes:
#>   test beta    se
#> 1 base 0.01 0.008
#> 2 base 0.03 0.010
#> 3 base 0.11 0.020
#> 4  sum 0.01 0.002
#> P-values:
#>           test   type     pval
#> 1     baseline burden 2.01e-10
#> 2    sum_count burden 1.03e-11
#> 3 allelic_skat   skat 3.82e-08
#> 4         omni   omni 3.91e-11

Different numbers of annotation categories

COAST and COASTSS were originally designed to operate on the benign missense variants, damaging missense variants, and protein truncating variants within a gene. Both have been generalized to allow for an arbitrary number of discrete annotation categories. The following example simulates and analyzes data with 4 annotation categories. The main difference when analyzing a different number of annotation categories is that the weight vector should be specified, and should have length equal to the number of possible annotation categories. COASTSS will run, albeit with a warning, if there are possible annotation categories to which no variants are assigned (e.g. a gene contains no PTVs).


# Generate data.
n <- 1e4
data <- AllelicSeries::DGP(
  n = n,
  snps = 400,
  beta = c(1, 2, 3, 4) / sqrt(n),
  prop_anno = c(0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1),
  weights = c(1, 1, 1, 1)

# Generate summary statistics.
sumstats <- AllelicSeries::CalcSumstats(
  anno = data$anno,
  covar = data$covar,
  geno = data$geno,
  pheno = data$pheno

results <- AllelicSeries::COASTSS(
  anno = sumstats$sumstats$anno,
  beta = sumstats$sumstats$beta,
  se = sumstats$sumstats$se,
  maf = sumstats$sumstats$maf,
  ld = sumstats$ld,
  weights = c(1, 2, 3, 4)
#> Effect Sizes:
#>   test beta    se
#> 1 base 0.00 0.008
#> 2 base 0.02 0.009
#> 3 base 0.02 0.010
#> 4 base 0.06 0.015
#> 5  sum 0.01 0.002
#> P-values:
#>           test   type     pval
#> 1     baseline burden 5.22e-05
#> 2    sum_count burden 4.80e-06
#> 3 allelic_skat   skat 3.77e-04
#> 4         omni   omni 1.72e-05

Test options

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