BayesfMRI BayesfMRI sticker

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The BayesfMRI R package includes the main function BayesGLM, which implements a spatial Bayesian GLM for task fMRI. It also contains a wrapper function BayesGLM_cifti, for CIFTI cortical surface fMRI data.


If you use BayesfMRI please cite the following papers:

Name APA Citation
Spatial Bayesian GLM Mejia, A. F., Yue, Y., Bolin, D., Lindgren, F., & Lindquist, M. A. (2020). A Bayesian general linear modeling approach to cortical surface fMRI data analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115(530), 501-520.
Multi-session Spatial Bayesian GLM Spencer, D., Yue, Y. R., Bolin, D., Ryan, S., & Mejia, A. F. (2022). Spatial Bayesian GLM on the cortical surface produces reliable task activations in individuals and groups. NeuroImage, 249, 118908.

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You can install BayesfMRI from CRAN with:



See this link to view the tutorial vignette.

Important Note on Dependencies:

BayesfMRI depends on the ciftiTools package, which requires an installation of Connectome Workbench. It can be installed from the HCP website.

The INLA package is required, which, due to a CRAN policy, will not be installed automatically. You can obtain it by running install.packages("INLA",repos=c(getOption("repos"),INLA=""), dep=FALSE). For more information, see the INLA website. Note: INLA must be installed before installing BayesfMRI.

On Mac platforms, an installation of Xcode is necessary to build the C++ code included in BayesfMRI.

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