
1. Introduction

The goal of BioVizSeq is to visualize the types and distribution of elements within bio-sequences. At the same time, We have developed a geom layer, geom_rrect(), that can generate rounded rectangles. No external references are used in the development of this package.

2. Installation

Install from CRAN:

# Install from CRAN

Install from Github: the development version of BioVizSeq:


3. Libary packages

#> Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'treeio':
#>   method              from    
#>   MRCA.phylo          tidytree
#>   MRCA.treedata       tidytree
#>   Nnode.treedata      tidytree
#>   Ntip.treedata       tidytree
#>   ancestor.phylo      tidytree
#>   ancestor.treedata   tidytree
#>   child.phylo         tidytree
#>   child.treedata      tidytree
#>   full_join.phylo     tidytree
#>   full_join.treedata  tidytree
#>   groupClade.phylo    tidytree
#>   groupClade.treedata tidytree
#>   groupOTU.phylo      tidytree
#>   groupOTU.treedata   tidytree
#>   inner_join.phylo    tidytree
#>   inner_join.treedata tidytree
#>   is.rooted.treedata  tidytree
#>   nodeid.phylo        tidytree
#>   nodeid.treedata     tidytree
#>   nodelab.phylo       tidytree
#>   nodelab.treedata    tidytree
#>   offspring.phylo     tidytree
#>   offspring.treedata  tidytree
#>   parent.phylo        tidytree
#>   parent.treedata     tidytree
#>   root.treedata       tidytree
#>   rootnode.phylo      tidytree
#>   sibling.phylo       tidytree
#> Package BioVizSeq loaded successfully!

# Extra package
#> Warning: 程辑包'ggplot2'是用R版本4.3.3 来建造的

4. Usage cases


gff or gtf file

4.1.1 Step by step

gff_path <- system.file("extdata", "idpro.gff3", package = "BioVizSeq")
gff_data <- read.table(gff_path, header = FALSE, sep = '\t')
gff_loc <- gff_to_loc(gff_data)

motif_plot(gff_loc$table_loc, gff_loc$gene_length) +
    labs(x="DNA length (5'-3')", y="Gene name")

4.1.2 One step

gff_path <- system.file("extdata", "idpro.gff3", package = "BioVizSeq")

4.2 MEME

meme.xml or mast.xml

4.2.1 Step by step

meme_path <- system.file("extdata", "meme.xml", package = "BioVizSeq") 
meme_file <- readLines(meme_path)
motif_loc <- meme_to_loc(meme_file)

motif_plot(motif_loc$table_loc, motif_loc$gene_length)

4.2.2 One step

meme_path <- system.file("extdata", "meme.xml", package = "BioVizSeq")

4.3 PFAM


Download: .tsv

4.3.1 Step by step

pfam_path <- system.file("extdata", "iprscan.tsv", package = "BioVizSeq")
pfam_file <- read.table(pfam_path, sep='\t', header = FALSE)
domain_loc <- pfam_to_loc(pfam_file)

motif_plot(domain_loc$table_loc, domain_loc$gene_length)

4.3.2 One step

pfam_path <- system.file("extdata", "iprscan.tsv", package = "BioVizSeq")

4.4 CDD

Batch CD-Search

Download “Superfamily Only”

Type: .txt

4.4.1 Step by step

hitdata_path <- system.file("extdata", "hitdata.txt", package = "BioVizSeq")
cdd_file <- readLines(hitdata_path)
domain_loc <- cdd_to_loc(cdd_file)

fa_path <- system.file("extdata", "idpep.fa", package = "BioVizSeq")
gene_length <- fastaleng(fa_path)
motif_plot(domain_loc, gene_length)

4.4.2 One step

hitdata_path <- system.file("extdata", "hitdata.txt", package = "BioVizSeq")
fa_path <- system.file("extdata", "idpep.fa", package = "BioVizSeq")

cdd_plot(hitdata_path, fa_path)


protein file (.fa or .fasta)

4.5.1 Step by step

fa_path <- system.file("extdata", "target.fa", package = "BioVizSeq")
domain_loc <- smart_to_loc(fa_path)
#> Submitting sequence AtAP2_002...
#> Submitting sequence AtAP2_003...
#> Job entered the queue with ID12315310540131401737102781wQtRYAVCWp. Waiting for results.
#> Submitting sequence AtAP2_004...
#> Submitting sequence AtAP2_005...

motif_plot(domain_loc$table_loc, domain_loc$gene_length)

4.5.2 One step

fa_path <- system.file("extdata", "target.fa", package = "BioVizSeq")

#> Submitting sequence AtAP2_002...
#> Submitting sequence AtAP2_003...
#> Job entered the queue with ID12315310540152211737102812xSbfSAzwMV. Waiting for results.
#> Submitting sequence AtAP2_004...
#> Submitting sequence AtAP2_005...

4.6 Plantcare

promoter sequence(.fa or .fasta)

4.6.1 Step by step

# 1. upload fasta file to plantcare, get the result file(.tab)
# upload_fa_to_plantcare(fasta_file, email)

# 2. Classify the functions of cis element

plantcare_path <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "BioVizSeq") 
plantcare_file <- read.table(plantcare_path, header = FALSE, sep = '\t', quote="")
plantcare_data <- plantcare_classify(plantcare_file)
plantcare_loc <- plantcare_to_loc(plantcare_data)

promoter_length <- data.frame(ID = unique(plantcare_loc$ID), length=2000)

motif_plot(plantcare_loc, promoter_length) +
    labs(x="Promoter Length", y="Gene")

4.6.2 One step

plantcare_path <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "BioVizSeq") 
plantcare_plot(plantcare_path, promoter_length = 2000)

4.7 Advance Plot

p_tree, p_gff, p_pfam, p_meme, p_smart, p_cdd, p_plantcare

tree_path <- system.file("extdata", "idpep.nwk", package = "BioVizSeq")
gff_path <- system.file("extdata", "idpro.gff3", package = "BioVizSeq")
meme_path <- system.file("extdata", "meme.xml", package = "BioVizSeq")
pfam_path <- system.file("extdata", "iprscan.tsv", package = "BioVizSeq")
plot_file <- combi_p(tree_path = tree_path, gff_path = gff_path,
                     meme_path = meme_path, pfam_path = pfam_path)

plot_file$p_tree + plot_file$p_gff + plot_file$p_pfam +
  plot_file$p_meme +plot_layout(ncol = 4, guides = 'collect') +
    tag_levels = 'A'

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