CRAN Version Build Status Downloads


A package that includes functions that I find useful for teaching statistics as well as actually practicing the art. They typically are not “new” methods but rather wrappers around either base R or tidyverse packages. Currently contains the following major user oriented functions:


# Install from CRAN

# Or the development version from GitHub
# install.packages("devtools")
                         build_vignettes = TRUE,
                         upgrade = "ask")


Online documentation and vignettes are located here.

Example Plot2WayANOVA plot

Example Plot2WayANOVA

Example Plot2WayANOVA

Example PlotXTabs2 plot

Example PlotXTabs2 plot

Example PlotXTabs2 plot

Example newggslopegraph plot

Example newggslopegraph plot

Example newggslopegraph plot


Many thanks to Danielle Navarro and the book Learning Statistics with R.

Leaving Feedback

If you like CGPfunctions, please consider leaving feedback here.


Contributions in the form of feedback, comments, code, and bug reports are most welcome. How to contribute:

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