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CoRpower’s Algorithms for Simulating Placebo Group and Baseline Immunogenicity Predictor Data


The CoRpower package assumes that P(Yτ(1)=Yτ(0))=1 for the biomarker sampling timepoint τ, which renders the CoR parameter P(Y=1S=s1,Z=1,Yτ=0) equal to P(Y=1S=s1,Z=1,Yτ(1)=Yτ(0)=0), which links the CoR and biomarker-specific treatment efficacy (TE) parameters. Estimation of the latter requires outcome data in placebo recipients, and some estimation methods additionally require availability of a baseline immunogenicity predictor (BIP) of S(1), the biomarker response at τ under assignment to treatment. In order to link power calculations for detecting a correlate of risk (CoR) and a correlate of TE (coTE), CoRpower allows to export simulated data sets that are used in CoRpower’s calculations and that are extended to include placebo-group and BIP data for harmonized use by methods assessing biomarker-specific TE. This vignette aims to describe CoRpower’s algorithms, and the underlying assumptions, for simulating placebo-group and BIP data. The exported data sets include full rectangular data to allow the user to consider various biomarker sub-sampling designs, e.g., different biomarker case:control sampling ratios, or case-control vs. case-cohort designs.

Algorithms for Simulating Placebo Group Data

Trichotomous X and S(1) Using Approach 1

  1. Specify Plat0, Plat2, P0, P2, risk0, ncases,0, ncontrols,0, K
    • Ncomplete,0=ncases,0+ncontrols,0
  2. Specify Sens, Spec, FP0, and FN2
  3. Number of observations in each latent subgroup: Nx=Ncomplete,0Platx
  4. Simulate X under the assumption of homogeneous risk in the placebo group:
    • Cases: (ncases,0(0),ncases,0(1),ncases,0(2))Mult(ncases,0,(p0,p1,p2)), where px=P(X=x|Y=1,Yτ=0,Z=0)=P(X=x|Y(0)=1)=P(Y(0)=1|X=x)P(X=x)P(Y(0)=1)=risklat0(x)Platxrisk0=Platxbecause risklat0(x)=risk0
    • Controls: (ncontrols,0(0),ncontrols,0(1),ncontrols,0(2))Mult(ncontrols,0,(p0,p1,p2)), where px=P(X=x|Y=0,Yτ=0,Z=0)=P(X=x|Y(0)=0)=P(Y(0)=0|X=x)P(X=x)P(Y(0)=0)=(1risklat0(x))Platx(1risk0)=Platxbecause risklat0(x)=risk0
    • ncontrols,0(x)=Nxncases,0(x)
  5. Simulate Y: Vector with ncases,0(0) 1’s, followed by ncontrols,0(0) 0’s, followed by ncases,0(1) 1’s, etc.
  6. Simulate S(1): For each of the Nx subjects, generate S(1) by a draw from Mult(1,(p0,p1,p2)), where pk=P(S(1)=k|X=x) is given by Sens,Spec, etc.

Trichotomous X and S(1) Using Approach 2

  1. Specify Plat0, Plat2, P0, P2, risk0, Ncomplete,0, ncases,0, nScases, K
  2. Specify ρ and σ2obs
  3. Calculation of (Sens,Spec,FP0,FP1,FN1,FN2):
    1. Assuming the classical measurement error model, where XN(0,σ2tr), solve Plat0=P(Xθ0)andPlat2=P(X>θ2) for θ0 and θ2
    2. Generate B realizations of X and S=X+e, where eN(0,σ2e), and X independent of e + B=20,000 by default
    3. Using θ0 and θ2 from Step i., define Spec(ϕ0)=P(Sϕ0Xθ0)FN1(ϕ0)=P(Sϕ0X(θ0,θ2])FN2(ϕ0)=P(Sϕ0X>θ2)Sens(ϕ2)=P(S>ϕ2X>θ2)FP1(ϕ2)=P(S>ϕ2X(θ0,θ2])FP0(ϕ2)=P(S>ϕ2Xθ0)

      Estimate Spec(ϕ0) by ^Spec(ϕ0)=#{Sbϕ0,Xbθ0}#{Xbθ0} etc.
    4. Find ϕ0=ϕ0 and ϕ2=ϕ2 that numerically solve P0=^Spec(ϕ0)Plat0+^FN1(ϕ0)Plat1+^FN2(ϕ0)Plat2P2=^Sens(ϕ2)Plat2+^FP1(ϕ2)Plat1+^FP0(ϕ2)Plat0 and compute Spec=^Spec(ϕ0),Sens=^Sens(ϕ2),etc.
  4. Follow Steps 3–6 under Approach 1

Continuous X and S(1)

  1. Specify PlatlowestVE, ρ, σ2obs, VElowest, risk0, ncases,0, ncontrols,0, nScases, K
    • Ncomplete,0=ncases,0+ncontrols,0
  2. Simulate Y by creating a vector with ncases,0 1’s followed by ncontrols,0 0’s.
  3. Simulate X under the assumption of homogeneous risk in the placebo group:
    • Cases: from a grid of values ranging from -3 to 3, sample ncases,0 with replacement from: fX(x|Y=1,Yτ=0,Z=0)=fX(x|Y(0)=1)=P(Y(0)=1|X=x)fX(x)P(Y(0)=1)=risklat0(x)fX(x)risk0=fX(x)because risklat0(x)=risk0
    • Controls: from a grid of values ranging from -3 to 3, sample ncontrols,0 with replacement from: fX(x|Y=0,Yτ=0,Z=0)=fX(x|Y(0)=0)=P(Y(0)=0|X=x)fX(x)P(Y(0)=0)=(1risklat0(x))fX(x)1risk0=fX(x)because risklat0(x)=risk0
    • fX(x) is fully specified because XN(0,σ2tr)
  4. Simulate S(1): S(1)=X+ϵ, where ϵN(0,σ2e) and σ2e=(1ρ)σ2obs. ϵ is independent of X and is simulated by rnorm(Ncomplete, mean=0, sd=sqrt(sigma2e))

Algorithms for Simulating a Baseline Immunogenicity Predictor (BIP)

Trichotomous X,S(1), and BIP Using Approach 1

  1. The user specifies a classification rule defined by P(BIP=iS(1)=j), i,j=0,1,2.
  2. For a subject with biomarker measurement Sk(1), generate BIPk by a draw from Mult(1,(q0,q1,q2)), where qi=P(BIPk=iS(1)=Sk(1)), i=0,1,2.

Trichotomous X,S(1), and BIP Using Approach 2

Note: All variables with * are continuous.

  1. The user specifies corr(BIP,S(1)).
  2. Assuming that BIP follows an additive measurement error model, i.e., BIP:=S(1)+δ, where δN(0,σ2δ) with an unknown σ2δ, and δ,ϵ, and X are independent, solve the following equation for varδ=σ2δ: corr(BIP,S(1))=varX+varϵvarX+varϵ+varδ
  3. For the fixed ϕ0 and ϕ2 derived above, define SpecBIP(ξ0)=P(BIPξ0Sϕ0)FN1BIP(ξ0)=P(BIPξ0S(ϕ0,ϕ2])FN2BIP(ξ0)=P(BIPξ0S>ϕ2)SensBIP(ξ2)=P(BIP>ξ2S>ϕ2)FP1BIP(ξ2)=P(BIP>ξ2S(ϕ0,ϕ2])FP0BIP(ξ2)=P(BIP>ξ2Sϕ0)
  4. Using the same technique as in the derivation of ϕ0 and ϕ2 above, find ξ0=ξ0 and ξ2=ξ2 that numerically solve P0=^SpecBIP(ξ0)P0+^FN1BIP(ξ0)P1+^FN2BIP(ξ0)P2P2=^SensBIP(ξ2)P2+^FP1BIP(ξ2)P1+^FP0BIP(ξ2)P0 and compute SpecBIP=^SpecBIP(ξ0),SensBIP=^SensBIP(ξ2),etc.
  5. For a subject with biomarker measurement Sk(1), generate BIPk by a draw from Mult(1,(q0,q1,q2)), where qi, i=0,1,2, are determined by SensBIP, SpecBIP, etc. obtained in Step 4.

Continuous X,S(1), and BIP

  1. The user specifies corr(BIP,S(1)).
  2. Assuming that BIP follows an additive measurement error model, i.e., BIP:=S(1)+δ, where δN(0,σ2δ) with an unknown σ2δ, and δ,ϵ, and X are independent, solve the following equation for varδ=σ2δ: corr(BIP,S(1))=varX+varϵvarX+varϵ+varδ
  3. For a subject with biomarker measurement Sk(1), generate BIPk as BIPk=Sk(1)+δ using σ2δ=varδ obtained in Step 2.

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