DTSEA User Guide

Yinchun Su, Junwei Han

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> There is an avoidable but critical bug with Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) on various operating systems.
#> ======================================
#> For better performance, we recommend not using RStudio on Windows because RStudio cannot take advantage of the multi-core capabilities available on modern computers.


The Drug Target Set Enrichment Analysis (DTSEA) is a novel tool used to identify the most effective drug set against a particular disease based on the Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA).

The central hypothesis of DTSEA is that the targets of potential candidates for a specific disease (e.g., COVID-19) ought to be close to each other, or at least not so far away from the disease. The DTSEA algorithm determines whether a drug is potent for the chosen disease by the proximity between drug targets and the disease-related genes. Under the central hypothesis of DTSEA, the DTSEA consists of two main parts:

  1. Evaluate the influence of the specific disease in the PPI network by the random walk with restart algorithm.

To evaluate the influence, we compute the disease-node distance by using the random walk with restart (RwR) algorithm, then rank the nodes reversely.

  1. Evaluate the drug-disease associations based on GSEA.

The GSEA approach is adopted in this part to identify whether candidate drug targets are disease-related (top) or disease-unrelated (bottom) on the human PPI list. The specific disease gene list is normalized by the median and is set zero as the arbitrary cutoff point to classify the relations manually.

This vignette illustrates how to use the DTSEA easily. Here, using functions in this package, users could identify potential drugs for disease by the DTSEA algorithm.

Example 1: Calculate the enrichment scores of drugs.

The function DTSEA is used to calculate the enrichment scores of drugs. The parameters are as follows:

# Load the data
data("example_disease_list", package = "DTSEA")
data("example_drug_target_list", package = "DTSEA")
data("example_ppi", package = "DTSEA")

# Perform a simple DTSEA analysis using default optional parameters then sort
# the result dataframe by normalized enrichment scores (NES)
result <- DTSEA(network = example_ppi,
                disease = example_disease_list,
                drugs = example_drug_target_list, verbose = FALSE
) %>%
#> Warning in preparePathwaysAndStats(pathways, stats, minSize, maxSize, gseaParam, : There are ties in the preranked stats (0.81% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#>   drug_id    pval   padj log2err    ES   NES  size leadingEdge
#>   <chr>     <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <list>     
#> 1 DB00112 0.00580 0.0367  0.407  0.729  1.83     9 <chr [4]>  
#> 2 DB09079 0.0986  0.268   0.0926 0.509  1.40    12 <chr [10]> 
#> 3 DB11952 0.0770  0.268   0.104  0.890  1.38     2 <chr [2]>  
#> 4 DB05017 0.104   0.268   0.0888 0.866  1.34     2 <chr [2]>  
#> 5 DB11526 0.181   0.369   0.0673 0.681  1.31     4 <chr [4]>  
#> 6 DB01611 0.215   0.372   0.0609 0.719  1.26     3 <chr [3]>

You can arrange the positive results by NES

select(result, -leadingEdge) %>%
  arrange(desc(NES)) %>%
  filter(NES > 0 & pval < .05) %>% head()
#> # A tibble: 1 × 7
#>   drug_id    pval   padj log2err    ES   NES  size
#>   <chr>     <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
#> 1 DB00112 0.00580 0.0367   0.407 0.729  1.83     9

Or we can draw the enrichment plot of the first predicted drug using fgsea package.

  pathway = example_drug_target_list %>%
    filter(drug_id == slice(result, 1)$drug_id) %>%
  stats = random.walk(network = example_ppi,
                      p0 = calculate_p0(nodes = example_ppi,
                                        disease = example_disease_list)

Example 2. Get the influence of the specific disease in the PPI network

The function random.walk calculates the pt vector. The parameters are as follows:

# Calculate p0
p0 <- calculate_p0(nodes = example_ppi, disease = example_disease_list)

# Then perform random walk
random.walk(network = example_ppi, p0 = p0, verbose = FALSE) %>%
#>    MYD88   MAPK14    TRAF1     JAK2      AGT    IRAK2 
#> 5.010910 4.994586 4.985955 4.970095 4.964825 4.959323

Example 3. Calculate the consistency of the prediction

The function cronbach.alpha and kendall.w are used to calculate the prediction consistency.

If you have several prediction results, you can use either function to describe the consistency.

# Just report the results
#> [1] "Kendall's coefficient W = 0.51, p = 0.335"

# Or just report the alpha
#> [1] 0.1510749

Multicore capability

You can enable the multicore feature to utilize the multicore advantages. Here is the benchmark.

# Load the data
data("example_disease_list", package = "DTSEA")
data("example_drug_target_list", package = "DTSEA")
data("example_ppi", package = "DTSEA")

# set up environment

single.core <- function() {
 suppressWarnings(capture.output(DTSEA(network = example_ppi, 
                                       disease = example_disease_list, 
                                       drugs = example_drug_target_list, 
                                       nproc = 0)))

dual.core <- function() {
 suppressWarnings(capture.output(DTSEA(network = example_ppi, 
                                       disease = example_disease_list, 
                                       drugs = example_drug_target_list, 
                                       nproc = 10)))

system.time(single.core()) - system.time(dual.core())

Supplementary data files

In this package, we provide the example data, which is a small set of data to demonstrate the usage and the main idea behind DTSEA. We provide some extra data files, the real data we used in the DTSEA paper. The supplementary package is now on the GitHub. Anyone can obtain this package by:

if (!"devtools" %in% as.data.frame(installed.packages())$Package)

Here is a list of the supplementary datasets

Data name Description
deletion Drug prediction results on trimmed graphs after enrichment
drug_indications The drug indications data from ChEMBL
drug_predicted The drug target data predicted by ChEMBL
drug_targets The combined drug target data
expr_raw The raw expression profile of GSE164805
graph The human gene functional interaction network we used
ncbi_list The COVID-19-related genes provided by NCBI

Known bugs

The Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) performs poorly with this package when dealing with linear algebra operations. If you use MKL-based BLAS or MKL-based R distribution (like Microsoft R Open), you will get unexpected or zero results in certain circumstances. Please install the Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra package (libatlas) or the multi-threaded OpenBlas library in order to get higher performance and reliable results with:

sudo apt install libatlas3-base -y


sudo apt install libopenblas-base -y

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