To cite DecomposeR in publications use:

Wouters S, Crucifix M, Sinnesael M, Da Silva AC, Zeeden C, Zivanovic M, Boulvain F, Devleeschouwer X (2022). “A decomposition approach to cyclostratigraphic signal processing.” Earth-Science Reviews, 225 (103894).

Corresponding BibTeX entry:

    title = {A decomposition approach to cyclostratigraphic signal
    author = {S Wouters and M Crucifix and M Sinnesael and A C {Da
      Silva} and C Zeeden and M Zivanovic and F Boulvain and X
    journal = {Earth-Science Reviews},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {225 (103894)},
    url = {},

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