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‘DemografixeR’ allows to estimate gender, age & nationality from a name. The package is an API wrapper of all 3 ‘Demografix’ API’s - all three APIs supported in one package:


You can find all the necessary documentation about the package here:


You can install the CRAN release version of DemografixeR following this R command:


You can also install the development version of DemografixeR following these R commands:

if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")


These are basic examples, which shows you how to estimate nationality, gender and age by a given name with & without specifying a country. The package takes care of multiple background tasks:


#Simple example without country_id
names<-c("Ben", "Allister", "Lucie", "Paula")
genderize(name = names)
#> [1] "male"   "male"   "female" "female"
nationalize(name = names)
#> [1] "AU" "ZA" "CZ" "PT"
agify(name = names)
#> [1] 48 44 24 50

#Simple example with
genderize(name = names, country_id = "US")
#> [1] "male"   "male"   "female" "female"
agify(name = names, country_id = "US")
#> [1] 67 46 65 70

#Workflow example with dplyr with missing values and multiple different countries
df<-data.frame(names=c("Ana", NA, "Pedro",
                       "Francisco", "Maria", "Elena"),
                 country=c(NA, NA, "ES",
                           "DE", "ES", "NL"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

df %>% dplyr::mutate(guessed_nationality=nationalize(name = names),
                guessed_gender=genderize(name = names, country_id = country),
                guessed_age=agify(name = names, country_id = country)) %>% 
names country guessed_nationality guessed_gender guessed_age
Ana NA PT female 58
Pedro ES PT male 69
Francisco DE CL male 58
Maria ES CY NA 59
Elena NL CC female 69

#Detailed data.frame example:
genderize(name = names, simplify = FALSE, meta = TRUE) %>% knitr::kable()
name type gender probability count api_rate_limit api_rate_remaining api_rate_reset api_request_timestamp
2 Ben gender male 0.95 77991 1000 831 5214 2020-05-04 22:33:05
1 Allister gender male 0.98 129 1000 831 5214 2020-05-04 22:33:05
3 Lucie gender female 0.99 85580 1000 831 5214 2020-05-04 22:33:05
4 Paula gender female 0.98 74130 1000 831 5214 2020-05-04 22:33:05


Code of Conduct

Please note that the ‘DemografixeR’ project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


MIT © Matthias Brenninkmeijer

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