

The aim of this R package is to provide an easy to use, fast and and scalable exhaustive search framework. An exhaustive feature selection can require a very large number of models to be fitted and evaluated. Execution speed and memory management are thus crucial factors for such tasks. This package solves both issues by using a multi-threaded C++ backend. Memory usage is kept constant by only storing the best results. This allows evaluations of enormous tasks that would normally be seen as unfeasible in standard setups.


You can install the release version of the ExhaustiveSearch R package from CRAN:


The current development version can be installed from GitHub:



The main function ExhaustiveSearch() uses the typical formula and data structure, which might be familiar to you from functions like lm() or glm().

As a simple example, an exhaustive linear regression task of the mtcars data set is analyzed. We evaluate all possible feature combinations to predict the response variable ‘mpg’ (miles per gallon).


ES <- ExhaustiveSearch(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars, family = "gaussian")
Starting the exhaustive evaluation.

 Runtime          |  Completed  |  Status
 00d 00h 00m 00s  |  1023/1023  |  100%

Evaluation finished successfully.

As you can see, the evaluation of 1023 models only took a fraction of a second. Printing the result object to the console creates an overview with further details to the task.

|            Exhaustive Search Results            |
Model family:          gaussian 
Intercept:             TRUE 
Performance measure:   AIC 
Models fitted on:      training set (n = 32)
Models evaluated on:   training set (n = 32)
Models evaluated:      1,023  
Models saved:          1,023 
Total runtime:         00d 00h 00m 00s 
Number of threads:     16 

|                Top Feature Sets                 |
       AIC                  Combination
1 154.1194               wt + qsec + am
2 154.3274          hp + wt + qsec + am
3 154.5631        wt + qsec + am + carb
4 154.9740   disp + hp + wt + qsec + am
5 155.4766                cyl + hp + wt 

There are a lot more options to the exhaustive search function, which are documented in the help files (see ?ExhaustiveSearch()). These include:


The example above is an easy task for this framework and could of course also be managed by less sophisticated frameworks without greater problems. For larger tasks however, performance may be an issue. In this section, I will give a crude estimate of what run-times to expect for different tasks.

The main influencing factors to the run-time are the modeling task, the number of available threads for parallel execution, the data size and the CPU speed.

A local benchmark on an AMD Ryzen 7 1700X on a data set of 500 observations resulted in the following performances:

Linear Regression:    45000 models/threadsec
Logistic Regression:   2500 models/threadsec

Therefore, on a typical home-PC setup (16 threads), one could expect to be able to evaluate 2,592,000,000 linear regression models in one hour. For logistic regression, this number would be 120,000,000 models per hour.

More about this Package and Exhaustive Searches

In feature and model selection application, exhaustive searches are often referred to as optimal search strategies, as they test each setup and therefore ensure to find the best solution. The main downside of this approach is the possibly enormous computational complexity of the task. This package provides an easy to use and efficient framework for such problems.

Its main characteristics are:

Currently, ordinary linear regression models similar to lm() and logistic regression models similar to glm() (with parameter family = “binomial”) can be fitted. All model results of the C++ backend are identical to what would be obtained by glm() or lm(). For that, the logistic regression uses the same L-BFGS optimizer as glm().

To assess the quality of a model, the performanceMeasure options ‘AIC’ (Akaike’s An Information Criterion) and ‘MSE’ (Mean Squared Error) are implemented.

While this framework is able to handle very large amounts of combinations, an exhaustive search of every theoretical combination can still be unfeasible. However, a possible way to drastically limit the total number of combinations is to define an upper bound for the size of a combination. For example, evaluating all combinations of 500 features (3.3e150) is obviously impossible. But if we only consider combinations of up to 3 features, this number reduces to around 21 million, which could easily be evaluated by this framework in less than a minute on 16 threads. Setting an upper limit is thus a very powerful option to enable high dimensional analyses. It is implemented by the ‘combsUpTo’ parameter.

Further Development

The official version includes a consistent and ready-to-use framework. Nevertheless, a lot more can be done. Further development is managed in this GitHub repository. To submit further ideas, please open an issue.

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