Converting magpie objects

convertGDP also accepts a magpie object (see the magclass package) for the gdp argument.

if (rlang::is_installed("magclass")) {
  my_gdp <- magclass::new.magpie(
    cells_and_regions = c("USA", "FRA"), 
    years = 2010:2014, 
    names = "gdp",
    sets = c("iso3c", "year", "data"),
    fill = 100:109
    gdp = my_gdp, 
    unit_in = "constant 2005 LCU", 
    unit_out = "constant 2017 Int$PPP"
#> An object of class "magpie"
#> , , data = gdp
#>      year
#> iso3c    y2010    y2011    y2012    y2013    y2014
#>   USA 123.1357 125.5984 128.0611 130.5238 132.9865
#>   FRA 150.4810 153.4608 156.4406 159.4204 162.4002

convertGDP does not change or add the “unit” attribute of the magpie object.

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