Chapter 6: Simulating the Tupungato River basin streamflow discharge

Ezequiel Toum


Is your turn!

In this chapter you are by your own. In the data("tupungato_data") dataset you will find a minimal information content to simulate the streamflow discharge of the Tupungato River basin (?tupungato_data).



Finger, David, Marc Vis, Matthias Huss, and Jan Seibert. 2015. “The Value of Multiple Data Set Calibration Versus Model Complexity for Improving the Performance of Hydrological Models in Mountain Catchments.” Water Resour. Res. 51 (4): 1939–58.
Parajka, J., and G. Blöschl. 2008. “The Value of MODIS Snow Cover Data in Validating and Calibrating Conceptual Hydrologic Models.” Journal of Hydrology 358 (3): 240–58.

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