ILSM 2024-07-04

Version: ILSM

We added the dataset: “PPH_Coltparkmeadow”!!! Such as: data(PPH_Coltparkmeadow).

ILSM 2024-07-13

Version: ILSM

We converted the functions {motif_count()}, {motif_role()}, {Node_versatility()}, {Prc()}, {Psc()}, and {Hc()} to {icmotif_count()}, {icmotif_role()}, {node_cv()}, {pc()}, {poc()}, and {hc()}.

Split the processing of function {subnet_cor()} into two separate functions {coid()} and {cois()}.

The function {subnet_cor()} is no longer used.

Plotted the new definition of the multilayer interaction network.(Detailed in Vignettes).


ILSM 1.0.3 2024-04-27

Version: ILSM 1.0.3

Renamed Title “Analyze Inter-Layer Structure of Multilayer Ecological Network” to “Analyze Interconnection Structure of Multilayer Ecological Network”.

Renamed {Midlayer_role()} to {motif_role()}.

We add new definitions of motifs within multilayer networks ({motif_count()} & {motif_role()}). And see vignettes for details.

Modify the description of some functions for better understanding.


ILSM 1.0.2 2024-04-7

Version: ILSM 1.0.2

For the functions: {motif_count()}; {Midlayer_role()}; {subnet_cor()}; {Hc()}; {Psc()}; {Prc()}; {Node_versatility()}; {igraph_from_matrices()}.

We have modified the inputting requirements for matrix data and the handling of data when the function inputting data type is matrix.

ILSM 1.0.1 2024-03-31

Version: ILSM 1.0.1

First release on CRAN

ILSM 1.0.0

First stable design

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