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IPEDSuploadables produces text files in key-value format which meet the IPEDS requirements for upload on their website. By using this package, institutions can avoid the time and risk of manually typing numbers into web forms across multiple screen. Package documentation (see the website) describes how an institution’s data must be formatted to make use of these scripts.

The package is currently serving the 2024-2025 IPEDS reporting cycle

If you are new to this process or are looking for updates

Report Coverage

As reports are added, this list will be updated.
You are welcome to fork this repo and work towards new reports or new institution-types for existing reports

Supported surveys that work for all institutions:

Supported surveys that only work for some institutions:

Unsupported surveys with options


For code, issues, etc, visit the github site.
To see full documentation, visit the package website.


You can install the package in the standard way from CRAN


To get newer releases or bug fixes before they are posted to the CRAN version, you can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

#or use

# install.packages("remotes")

To access vignettes locally (instead of through the website) add an argument:

devtools::install_github("AlisonLanski/IPEDSuploadables", build_vignettes = TRUE)

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