Set up your data for IPEDS GR processing

To use the produce_gr_report function, your student graduation data must be in the format described below

This population should meet IPEDS rules for inclusion on this report (first-time full-time degree/certificate seekers from the appropriate cohort year).

Column Name Column Type Acceptable Value - Definition
Unitid Numeric (relevant unitid; xxxxxx)
EnteringProgramType Numeric 1 - Less than 2 year program
2 - 2-4 year program
3 - Bachelor’s or Bachelor’s equivalent program
Note: The program type of the student’s entering cohort
CurrentProgramType Numeric 1 - Less than 2 year program
2 - 2-4 year program
3 - Bachelor’s or Bachelor’s equivalent program
Note: The student’s program type at the time of this report
Completed150 Numeric 0 - Did not complete within 150% time
1 - Completed within 150% time
CompletedFourYears Numeric 0 - Did not complete within 4 years
1 - Completed by 4 years
Note: Only needed for EnteringProgramType 3
CompletedFiveYears Numeric 0 - Did not complete by 5 years
1 - Completed by 5 years (and did not complete by 4 years)
Note: Only needed for EnteringProgramType 3
IsTransferOut Numeric 0 - Did not transfer out
1 - Did not complete and transfered out
IsExclusion Numeric 0 - Keep in the revised cohort
1 - Exclude from the revised cohort
IsStillEnrolled Numeric 0 - Did complete or is not enrolled
1 - Did not complete and is still enrolled
RaceEthnicity Numeric 1 - Nonresident alien
2 - Hispanic/Latino
3 - American Indian or Alaska Native
4 - Asian
5 - Black or African American
6 - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
7 - White
8 - Two or more races
9 - Race and ethnicity unknown
Sex Numeric 1 - Men
2 - Women
GenderDetail Numeric No longer needed: will be ignored if you have it in your file
1 - Men
2 - Women
3 - Unknown gender
4 - Another gender
PellGrant Numeric 0 - Does not have Pell Grant
1 - Has Pell Grant
DirectLoan Numeric 0 - Does not have Direct Loan
1 - Has Direct Loan
Note: Value 1 can include all students with Direct Loan or only those without Pell

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