Set up your data for IPEDS HR processing

To use the produce_hr_report function, your data must be in the format described below


Starting in the 2022-2023 reporting cycle, we only report New Hires who are still 11/1 Current Employees. In other words, everyone in your starting data should have a CurrentEmployee flag of 1. In future years, we may drop the requirement of the CurrentEmployee column since it no longer carries valuable information. For this year, we have left it to avoid further structural changes.
Column Name Column Type Acceptable Value - Definition
Unitid Character or Numeric (relevant unitid; xxxxxx)
EmpId Character or numeric (any unique identifier for each employees)
RaceEthnicity Numeric 1 - Nonresident alien
2 - Hispanic/Latino
3 - American Indian or Alaska Native
4 - Asian
5 - Black or African American
6 - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
7 - White
8 - Two or more races
9 - Race and ethnicity unknown
Gender Numeric 1 - Men
2 - Women
Rank Numeric 1 - Professors
2 - Associate professors
3 - Assistant professors
4 - Instructors
5 - Lecturers
6 - No academic rank (Faculty)
7 - Not faculty
Tenure Numeric 1 - Tenured
2 - On tenure track
3 - Multi-year contract or employment agreement. Not on Tenure Track or no tenure system
4 - Annual contract or employment agreement. Not on Tenure Track or no tenure system
5 - Less than annual contract or employment agreement. Not on Tenure Track or no tenure system
6 - Without faculty status
7 - Indefinite duration (continuing or at-will) contract or employment agreement. Not on Tenure Track or no tenure system
IsMedical Numeric 0 - Not medical school staff
1 - Medical school staff
NewHire Numeric 0 - Not a new hire
1 - New Hire
CurrentEmployee Numeric 0 - Not a current employee (e.g. a new hire who is not employed on 11/1 of the reporting year)
1 - Current employee
FtPt Character F - Full Time
P - Part Time
Salary Numeric xxxxxxx.xx (or just xxxxx): should be the value corresponding with Months (see below)
Months Numeric 8 - Annual salary covers less than 9 months
9 - Annual salary covers 9 months
10 - Annual salary covers 10 months
11 - Annual salary covers 11 months
12 - Annual salary covers 12 months
99 - Any other situation/employee which will not be reported and is not included above
OccCategory3 Numeric 1 - Primarily Instruction - exclusively credit
2 - Primarily Instruction - exclusively not-for-credit
3 - Primarily Instruction - Combined credit/not-for-credit
4 - Instruction/research/public service
5 - Research Staff
6 - Public Service Staff
7 - Archivists, Curators, and Museum Technicians (25-4010)
8 - Librarians and Media Collections Specialists (25-4020)
9 - Library Technicians (25-4030)
10 - Student and Academic Affairs and Other Education Services Occupations (25-2000 + 25-3000 + 25-9000)
11 - Management Occupations (11-0000)
12 - Business and Financial Operations Occupations (13-0000)
13 - Computer, Engineering, and Science Occupations (15-0000 + 17-0000 + 19-0000)
14 - Community, Social Service, Legal, Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations (21-0000 + 23-0000 + 27-0000)
15 - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations (29-0000)
16 - Service Occupations (31-0000 + 33-0000 + 35-0000 + 37-0000 + 39-0000)
17 - Sales and Related Occupations (41-0000)
18 - Office and Administrative Support Occupations (43-0000)
19 - Natural Resources, Construction, and Maintenance Occupations (45-0000 + 47-0000 + 49-0000)
20 - Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations (51-0000 + 53-0000)
22 - Teaching Assistants, Postsecondary (25-9044)
23 - Graduate Assistant Research
24 - Graduate Assistant Other


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