A variety of latent Markov models
Koslik, and Langrock 2024), including hidden Markov
models (HMMs), hidden semi-Markov models
(HSMMs), state-space models (SSMs) and
continuous-time variants can be formulated and
estimated within the same framework via directly maximising the
likelihood function using the so-called forward
MacDonald, and Langrock 2016). Applied researchers often need custom
models that standard software does not easily support. Writing tailored
code offers flexibility but suffers from slow estimation
speeds. This R
package solves these issues by providing
easy-to-use functions (written in C++ for speed) for common tasks like
the forward algorithm. These functions can be combined into custom
models in a Lego-type approach, offering up to 10-20 times faster
estimation via standard numerical optimisers. In its most recent
iteration, LaMa
allows for automatic differentiation with
the RTMB
package which drastically increases speed and
accuracy even more.
The most important families of functions are
the forward
family that calculates the
log-likelihood for various different models,
the tpm
family for calculating transition
probability matrices,
the stationary
family to compute stationary and
periodically stationary distributions
as well as the stateprobs
and viterbi
families for local and global decoding.
You can install the released package version from CRAN with:
or the development version from Github:
# install.packages("devtools")
::install_github("janoleko/LaMa") devtools
To aid in building fully custom likelihood functions, this package contains several vignettes that demonstrate how to simulate data from and estimate a wide range of models using the functions included in this package.
HMMs, from simple to complex:
Other latent Markov model classes:
We analyse the trex
data set contained in the package.
It contains hourly step lengths of a Tyrannosaurus rex, living 66
million years ago. To these data, we fit a simple 2-state HMM with
state-dependent gamma distributions for the step lengths.
#> Loading required package: RTMB
head(trex, 3)
#> tod step angle state
#> 1 9 0.3252437 NA 1
#> 2 10 0.2458265 2.234562 1
#> 3 11 0.2173252 -2.262418 1
We start by defining the negative log-likelihood function. This is
made really convenient by the functions tpm()
computes the transition probability matrix via the multinomial logit
link, stationary()
which computes the stationary
distribution of the Markov chain and forward()
calculates the log-likelihood via the forward algorithm.
= function(par, step){
nll # parameter transformations for unconstrained optimisation
= tpm(par[1:2]) # rowwise softmax
Gamma = stationary(Gamma) # stationary distribution
delta = exp(par[3:4]) # state-dependent means
mu = exp(par[5:6]) # state-dependent sds
sigma # calculating all state-dependent probabilities
= matrix(1, length(step), 2)
allprobs = which(!is.na(step))
ind for(j in 1:2) allprobs[ind,j] = dgamma2(step[ind], mu[j], sigma[j])
# simple forward algorithm to calculate log-likelihood
-forward(delta, Gamma, allprobs)
To fit the model, we define the intial parameter vector and
numerically optimise the above function using nlm()
= c(-2,-2, # initial tpm params (logit-scale)
par log(c(0.3, 2.5)), # initial means for step length (log-transformed)
log(c(0.2, 1.5))) # initial sds for step length (log-transformed)
<- nlm(nll, par, step = trex$step)
)#> user system elapsed
#> 0.369 0.012 0.382
Really fast for 10.000 data points!
After tranforming the working (unconstrained) parameters to natural
parameters using tpm()
and stationary()
, we
can visualise the results:
# transform parameters to working
= tpm(mod$estimate[1:2])
Gamma = stationary(Gamma) # stationary HMM
delta = exp(mod$estimate[3:4])
mu = exp(mod$estimate[5:6])
hist(trex$step, prob = TRUE, bor = "white", breaks = 40, main = "", xlab = "step length")
curve(delta[1] * dgamma2(x, mu[1], sigma[1]), add = TRUE, lwd = 2, col = "orange", n=500)
curve(delta[2] * dgamma2(x, mu[2], sigma[2]), add = TRUE, lwd = 2, col = "deepskyblue", n=500)
legend("topright", col = c("orange", "deepskyblue"), lwd = 2, bty = "n", legend = c("state 1", "state 2"))
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