Introduction to LearnVizLMM


The objective of this package is to summarize characteristics of linear mixed effects models (LMMs) without data or a fitted model. Its functions convert code for fitting nlme::lme() and lme4::lmer() models into tables, equations, and visuals. These outputs can be used for learning how to fit LMMs in R and communicating about LMMs in presentations, manuscripts, and analysis plans.

Why without data?


To install this package, you can use CRAN (the central R package repository).



In many settings, multiple samples are collected from the same individual or group (e.g., achievement scores of students from different schools and classrooms within schools; impact of different diets on the weights of individuals sampled once a month for six months). This type of data is often referred to as multilevel and can be analyzed using LMMs. LMMs can be fit in R using the following packages and functions.

lme4::lmer(formula = outcome ~ fixed_effects + random_effects)

nlme::lme(fixed = outcome ~ fixed_effects, random = random_effects)

The outcome and fixed effects are similar to that of a linear model.

lmer(formula = Y ~ 1 + X1 + X2 + random_effects)
lme(fixed = Y ~ 1 + X1 + X2, random = random_effects)

The random effects are specified with respect to groups or grouping factors (GFs), which are factor variables under which observations are nested or grouped. Using different notations, users can specify random intercepts, random slopes, and more to be estimated by the model.

# Random Intercept
lmer(formula = outcome ~ fixed_effects + (1|GF))
lme(fixed = outcome ~ fixed_effects, random = ~1|GF)
lme(fixed = outcome ~ fixed_effects, random = list(GF=~1))
# Random Intercept & Slope
lmer(formula = outcome ~ fixed_effects + (1 + X1|GF))
lme(fixed = outcome ~ fixed_effects, random = ~1 + X1|GF)
lme(fixed = outcome ~ fixed_effects, random = list(GF=~1 + X1))


extract_equation() returns a ‘LaTeX’ model equation. This function has three output options.

output_type = “latex” (default)

extract_equation(model = "lmer(score ~ 1 + age + (1|subject))")
  \operatorname{score}_{ij} &= \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}(\operatorname{age}) \\
  &+ u_{0i} \\
 &+ \epsilon_{ij} \\
 u_{0i} &\sim N \left(0, \tau^2_{u_{0}} \right), \text{ for subject i = 1,} \dots \text{,a} \\
 \epsilon_{ij} &\sim N \left(0, \sigma^2 \right), \text{ for Observation j = 1,} \dots \text{,n}  

What do I do with this output?

To see the equation, copy and paste the output into any file that supports ‘LaTeX’ equations. Below is an example of what will happen if you paste the output from above into ‘R Markdown’.

\[ \begin{aligned} \operatorname{score}_{ij} &= \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}(\operatorname{age}) \\ &+ u_{0i} \\ &+ \epsilon_{ij} \\ u_{0i} &\sim N \left(0, \tau^2_{u_{0}} \right), \text{ for subject i = 1,} \dots \text{,a} \\ \epsilon_{ij} &\sim N \left(0, \sigma^2 \right), \text{ for Observation j = 1,} \dots \text{,n} \end{aligned} \]

output_type = “string”

extract_equation(model = "lmer(score ~ 1 + age + (1|subject))",
                 output_type = "string")
[1] "$$\n\\begin{aligned}\n  \\operatorname{score}_{ij} &= \\beta_{0} + \\beta_{1}(\\operatorname{age}) \\\\\n  &+ u_{0i} \\\\\n &+ \\epsilon_{ij} \\\\\n u_{0i} &\\sim N \\left(0, \\tau^2_{u_{0}} \\right), \\text{ for subject i = 1,} \\dots \\text{,a} \\\\\n \\epsilon_{ij} &\\sim N \\left(0, \\sigma^2 \\right), \\text{ for Observation j = 1,} \\dots \\text{,n}  \n\\end{aligned}\n$$\n"

output_type = “none”

extract_equation(model = "lmer(score ~ 1 + age + (1|subject))",
                 output_type = "none")


extract_variables() returns a data frame with information on the variables in the model. The columns of the data frame include:

Note: The data frames for the examples below are displayed using kbl() from the kableExtra package. Below are examples of how this function works for different models.

One Group, Random Intercept and Slopes

By default, all predictor variables are assumed to be numeric.

extract_variables(model = "lme(weight~1+sex+time+I(time^2), random=~1+time+I(time^2)|ID)")
Effect Group Term Description Parameter
fixed 1 intercept (Intercept)
fixed sex numeric sex
fixed time numeric time
fixed I(time^2) numeric I(time^2)
random ID ~1+…+…|ID ID-specific intercepts SD (Intercept)
random ID ~…+time+…|ID ID-specific slopes for time SD (time)
random ID ~…+…+I(time^2)|ID ID-specific slopes for I(time^2) SD (I(time^2))
random ID Cor (Intercept,time)
random ID Cor (Intercept,I(time^2))
random ID Cor (time,I(time^2))
random SD (Residual)

Two Groups, Random Intercepts and Slope

To include one or more categorical predictors, use cat_vars and cat_vars_nlevels. In addition, fixed and random intercepts are added to the data frame unless explicitly excluded (e.g., “age-1” and “0+age”).

extract_variables(model = "lme(Score~type+age*sex,random=list(School=pdDiag(~type),Class=~1))",
                  cat_vars = c("type", "sex"),
                  cat_vars_nlevels = c(3, 2))
Effect Group Term Description Parameter
fixed 1 intercept (Intercept)
fixed type categorical typeB
fixed type categorical typeC
fixed age numeric age
fixed sex categorical sexB
fixed age*sex interaction age:sexB
random School School=pdDiag(~1+…) School-specific intercepts SD (Intercept)
random School School=pdDiag(~…+type) School-specific slopes for typeB SD (typeB)
random School School=pdDiag(~…+type) School-specific slopes for typeC SD (typeC)
random Class (within School) Class=~1 Class-specific intercepts SD (Intercept)
random SD (Residual)


There are two ways to run extract_structure() to get an image of the multilevel data structure.

  1. Use the model input, which contains lme() or lmer() code.
  2. Specify the number, description, and names of the groups or grouping factors of interest.

Below are examples of both approaches for one, two, and three groups.

One group

extract_structure(n_gf = 1, 
                  gf_names = "Subject")

To specify the number of Subjects, use gf_nlevels.

extract_structure(model = "lme(Weight ~ Time, random=~Time|Subject, data)",
                  gf_nlevels = 47)

To remove the labels for the levels on the left side of the image, use label_levels.

extract_structure(model = "lme(Weight ~ Time, random=~Time|Subject, data)",
                  gf_nlevels = "m", 
                  label_levels = "no")

Two groups

When there are two groups, they can either be crossed (e.g., every level of Worker is observed for every level of Machine)

extract_structure(model = "lmer(Strength ~ 1 + (1|Machine) + (1|Worker))",
                  gf_nlevels = c(10, 20))

or nested (e.g., class is nested within school).

extract_structure(model = "lme(score~type, random=list(school=pdDiag(~1+type),class=~1))")

These figures can also be created using the following code.

extract_structure(n_gf = 2, 
                  gf_description = "crossed",
                  gf_names = c("Machine", "Worker"),
                  gf_nlevels = c(10, 20))

extract_structure(n_gf = 2, 
                  gf_description = "nested",
                  gf_names = c("school", "class"))

Three groups

When there are three groups, they can also be crossed or nested.

extract_structure(n_gf = 3,
                  gf_description = "crossed",
                  gf_names = c("District", "School", "Class"),
                  gf_nlevels = c(8, 15, 5))

The index used for the highest-level group or the group that entered the model or gf_names first can be left as "i" (see above) or redefined using gf3_index.

extract_structure(n_gf = 3,
                  gf_description = "nested",
                  gf_names = c("District", "School", "Class"),
                  gf_nlevels = c(8, 15, 5),
                  gf3_index = "q")

There may also be a combination of nested and crossed groups. For example, one group may be crossed with two nested groups (i.e. crossed with nested).

extract_structure(n_gf = 3,
                  gf_description = "crossed with nested",
                  gf_names = c("GF1", "GF2", "GF3"))

Another example is when two crossed groups are nested within another group (i.e. crossed within nested).

extract_structure(n_gf = 3,
                  gf_description = "crossed within nested",
                  gf_names = c("GF1", "GF2", "GF3"))

Export Type

If you wish to edit the output beyond what is offered by extract_structure(), set export_type = "text". After editing the text, the figure can be created using grViz() in the DiagrammeR package.

diagram_text <- extract_structure(n_gf = 1, 
                                  gf_names = "Subject",
                                  export_type = "text")


Scope & Tips

The current version of this package does not work for all possible lme() or lmer() models. However, its functions do work for:

# One
# Two
# Three
# One
# Two
# Three
# Four
# Two-way
X1 + X2 + X1:X2
# Three-way
X1 + X2 + X3 + X1:X2 + X1:X3 + X2:X3 + X1:X2:X3
# Four-way
X1 + X2 + X3 + X3 + X1:X2 + X1:X3 + X1:X4 + X2:X3 + X2:X4 + 
  X1:X2:X3 + X1:X2:X4 + X1:X4:X3 + X4:X2:X3 + X1:X2:X3:X4
X1*X2*X3*X4 # does not work

Here are some additional tips for using this package:

# works
model = "lmer(formula = outcome ~ fixed_effects + random_effects)"
model = "lmer(outcome ~ fixed_effects + random_effects)"
model = "lmer(outcome ~ fixed_effects + random_effects, data, ...)"
# does not work
model = "lmer(data, formula = outcome ~ fixed_effects + random_effects)"
model = "lmer(data, outcome ~ fixed_effects + random_effects)"
# works
model = "lme(fixed = outcome ~ fixed_effects, random = random_effects, data, ...)"
model = "lme(outcome ~ fixed_effects, random = random_effects)"
# does not work
model = "lme(outcome ~ fixed_effects, random_effects, data, ...)"
model = "lme(random = random_effects, fixed = outcome ~ fixed_effects)"

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