MTAFT: Data-driven Estimation for Multi-Threshold Accelerated Failure Time Model

This repository contains the code for the article titled “Data-driven Estimation for Multi-Threshold Accelerated Failure Time Model” (MTAFT). The MTAFT model is a statistical method used for estimating failure times in the presence of multiple thresholds. The code provided here implements the MTAFT model and its associated functions.


The repository includes the following R functions:


This function implements the cross-validation (CV) method proposed in the MTAFT article. It combines the Wild Binary Segmentation (WBS) or Dynamic Programming (DP) algorithm to determine the optimal number of thresholds.


This function implements the information criterion (IC) method proposed in the MTAFT article. It also combines the WBS or DP algorithm to determine the optimal number of thresholds.


This function implements Li and Jin’s (2018) method, which transforms the multi-threshold estimation problem into a variable selection problem.


This function provides a simple data generation process for simulating data to evaluate the performance of the MTAFT model. It generates a dataset consisting of the response variable (Y), deletion indicator function (delta), threshold variable (Tq), and covariate matrix (X).


This function implements a hypothesis test for the existence of thresholds using a score-type statistic. It is applicable to scenarios with multiple thresholds.




Here are examples of how to use the provided R functions:

Generating simulated data

n <- 500
err <- "normal" # or "t3"
dataset <- MTAFT_simdata(n, err)
Y <- dataset[, 1]
delta <- dataset[, 2]
Tq <- dataset[, 3]
X <- dataset[, -c(1:3)]

Testing threshold effects

nboots <- 500
pval <- MTAFT_test(Y, X, Tq, delta, nboots)

Detecting the number and positions of breakpoints


n1 <- sum(delta)
c <- seq(0.5, 1.5, 0.1)
m <- ceiling(c * sqrt(n1))
bicy <- rep(NA, length(c))
tsmc <- NULL
p <- ncol(X)
for (i in 1:length(c)) {
  tsm <- try(TSMCP(Y, X, delta, c[i], penalty = "scad"), silent = TRUE)
  if (is(tsm, "try-error")) next()
  bicy[i] <- log(n) * ((length(tsm[[1]]) + 1) * (p + 1)) + n * log(tsm[[3]])
  tsmc[[i]] <- tsm

if (any(! {
  tsmcp <- tsmc[[which(bicy == min(bicy))[1]]]
  thre.LJ <- Tq[tsmcp[[1]]]
  thre.num.Lj <- length(thre.LJ)

Applying the information criterion method

c0 <- 0.299
delta0 <- 2.01
algorithm <- "WBS"
dist_min <- 50
ncps_max <- 4

result <- MTAFT_IC(Y, X, delta, Tq, c0, delta0, algorithm, dist_min, ncps_max)

Applying the cross-validation method

algorithm <- "WBS"
dist_min <- 50
ncps_max <- 4

result <- MTAFT_CV(Y, X, delta, Tq, algorithm, dist_min, ncps_max)


Wan, C., Zeng, H., Zhong, W., et al. (2023) Data-driven estimation for multi-threshold accelerated failure time model. Working paper.

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