Multivariate methods with Unbiased Variable selection in R
PhD candidate Yingxiao Yan
Associate Professor Carl Brunius
Department of Life Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology

General description

The MUVR package allows for predictive multivariate modelling with minimally biased variable selection incorporated into a repeated double cross-validation framework. The MUVR procedure simultaneously produces both minimal-optimal and all-relevant variable selections.

The MUVR2 package is developed with new functionalities based on the MUVR package.

An easy-to-follow tutorial on how to use the MUVR2 package can be found at this repository at inst/Tutorial/MUVR_Tutorial.docx

In brief, MUVR2 proved the following functionality: - Types: classification, regression and multilevel. - Model cores: PLS, Random Forest, Elastic Net. - Validation: repeated double cross-validation (rdCV; Westerhuis et al. 2008, Filzmoser et al. 2009). - Variable selection: recursive feature elimination embedded in the rdCV loop. - Resampling tests and permutation tests: assessment of modelling fitnness and overfitting.


You also need to have the remotes R package installed. Just run the following from an R script or type it directly at the R console (normally the lower left window in RStudio):


When remotes is installed, you can install the MUVR2 package by running:



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