MazamaSpatialUtils 0.8.7

Added a new set of country code conversion functions whose names match those for state and county conversions:

These are now preferred over the older codeToCountry() and countryToCode() functions which, while deprecated, are still supported for backwards compatibility.

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.8.6

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.8.5

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.8.4

This addresses the following error seen when using internal data in a dplyr context:

> IS <- SimpleCountriesEEZ %>% dplyr::filter(countryCode == "IS")
Error in `vec_size()`:
! `x` must be a vector, not a <sfc_MULTIPOLYGON/sfc> object.

This error is explained here: and the simplest solution for this spatially-oriented package is to simply move sf from an import to a dependency (by moving it to the “Depends:” section of DESCRIPTION).

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.8.3

Added the following datasets to the archive at: * WBDHU2 (and simplified versions) * WBDHU4 (and simplified versions) * WBDHU6 (and simplified versions) * WBDHU8 * WBDHU10

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.8.2

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.8.1

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.8.0

Version 0.8.x is a complete refactoring of MazamaSpatialUtils to upgrade from dependence on the sp package to use of the sf package. As much as possible, the suite of functions and arguments will remain the same.

The following changes have been made:

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.7.6

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.7.5

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.7.4

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.7.3

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.7.2

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.7.1

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.7.0

Version 0.7 includes more datasets that have all been through identical processing and harmonization steps. In general, this release represents a clean-and-update revision that brings all aspects of the package up to modern standards.

Improvements include:

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.6.16

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.6.15

New functions for converting between US county names/FIPS: * US_countyNameToFIPS() * US_countyFIPSToName()

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.6.14

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.6.13

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.6.12

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.6.11

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.6.10

New functions for converting among US state names/codes/FIPS: * US_stateCodeToName() * US_stateCodeToFIPS() * US_stateFIPSToCode() * US_stateFIPSToName() * US_stateNameToCode() * US_stateNameToFIPS()

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.6.9

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.6.8

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.6.7

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.6.6

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.6.5

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.6.4

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.6.3

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.6.1

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.6.0

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.5.10

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.5.9

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.5.8

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.5.7

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.5.6

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.5.5

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.5.4

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.5.3

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.5.2

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.5.1

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.5.0

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.4.9

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.4.8

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.4.5

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.4.4

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.4.3

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.4.2

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.4.1

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.3.2

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.3.1 – addition of buffered search and WorldEEZ polygons

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.2.4

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.2.3

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.2.2 – minor tweaks to 0.2.1

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.2.1 – addition of GADM and USGS HUC8

MazamaSpatialUtils 0.1 – initial release

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