
This package provides a comprehensive suite of functions for conducting and automating Latent Growth Modeling (LGM) in Mplus using R, including Growth Curve Models (GCM), Growth-Based Trajectory Models (GBTM) and Latent Class Growth Analysis (LCGA).

This package was build upon the capabilities from the MplusAutomation package. Hallquist et al.(2018). MplusAutomation: An R Package for Facilitating Large-Scale Latent Variable Analyses in Mplus. Structural equation modeling: a multidisciplinary journal.

Key features include:

This package was designed to implement and streamline the procedure for model selection outlined in: Van Der Nest et al.(2020). “An overview of mixture modelling for latent evolutions in longitudinal data: Modelling approaches, fit statistics and software.” Advances in Life Course Research

  1. Plotting individual trajectories of outcome (getSpaghetti)
  2. Estimating 1-class GCM for reference (fitGCM)
  3. Performing class enumeration with GBTM (fitGBTM)
  4. Refining covariance structure in LCGA (fitLCGA)
  5. Refining polynomial order (getPoly)

The following example illustrate the implementation of this workflow using the mplusLGM package. The example use a simulated dataset including symptom measurements on an arbitrary scale assessed at months 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 21 and 24.


MplusLGM can be installed from CRAN or sourced directly from GitHub.

# From CRAN

# From Github

Load the package and the simulated dataset into R.

# Load package

# Load simulated dataset 

Step 1: Visual inspection - Spaghetti plot

Plot individual trajectories of symptoms to provide a visual representation of whether enough heterogeneity is evident in the data to justify the use of mixture modelling.

spagh_plot <- getSpaghetti(
  data = symptoms, 
  outvar = paste("sx", seq(from = 0, to = 24, by = 6), sep = "_")


Step 2: Reference - Growth Curve Modelling (GCM)

Fit a GCM to represent the best single-class depiction of change against which subsequent models will be compared.

The maximum polynomial order should be selected based on the number of time points, the spaghetti plot and previous theoretical or practical insights to guide the initial scoping of potential models.

A linear model (i.e., polynomial order 1) will be estimated with the fitGCM function, as cubic and quadratic models failed to converge.

# Fit GCM
GCM_model <- fitGCM(
  data = symptoms,
  outvar = paste("sx", seq(from = 0, to = 24, by = 6), sep = "_"), 
  idvar = "id",
  starting_val = 500,
  polynomial = 1,
  timescores = seq(from = 0, to = 24, by = 6),
  output = c("TECH1", "SAMPSTAT", "STANDARDIZED"),

# Examine fit indices
GCM_fit <- getFit(GCM_model)

# |Title            | Observations| Parameters|        LL|      BIC|     aBIC|      AIC|     AICC|     CAIC|Warnings |Errors |
# |:----------------|------------:|----------:|---------:|--------:|--------:|--------:|--------:|--------:|:--------|:------|
# |GCM_P1_K1_S1000; |          350|         10| -4873.299| 9805.177| 9773.454| 9766.598| 9767.247| 9815.177|NA       |NA     |

Step 3: Class enumeration - Group-Based Trajectory Modeling (GBTM)

Fit a series of GBTM with an increasing number of classes to determine the optimal latent structure.

During class enumeration, the number of suspected classes should be selected based on the sample size, the spaghetti plot and prior theoretical or practical insights to guide the initial scoping of potential models.

GBTM should converge the quickest to a solution given its lower number of free parameters when compared to other LGM. Models with 2 to 6 latent classes will be evaluated using the fitGBTM function.

# Fit GBTM
GBTM_models <- fitGBTM(
  data = symptoms,
  outvar = paste("sx", seq(from = 0, to = 24, by = 6), sep = "_"),
  idvar = "id",
  starting_val = 500,
  min_k = 2L,
  max_k = 6L,
  timescores = seq(from = 0, to = 24, by = 6),
  polynomial = 3,
  output = c("TECH1", "TECH11", "SAMPSTAT", "STANDARDIZED")

# Examine fit indices
GBTM_fit <- getFit(GBTM_models)

# |Title             | Observations| Parameters| NLatentClasses|        LL|      BIC|     aBIC|      AIC|     AICC|     CAIC| T11_LMR_Value| T11_LMR_PValue| count_1| count_2| count_3| count_4| count_5| count_6| proportion_1| proportion_2| proportion_3| proportion_4| proportion_5| proportion_6|Proportion_criterion | APPA1| APPA2| APPA3| APPA4| APPA5| APPA6|APPA_criterion | Entropy|Entropy_criterion |Warnings                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |Errors |
# |:-----------------|------------:|----------:|--------------:|---------:|--------:|--------:|--------:|--------:|--------:|-------------:|--------------:|-------:|-------:|-------:|-------:|-------:|-------:|------------:|------------:|------------:|------------:|------------:|------------:|:--------------------|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|:--------------|-------:|:-----------------|:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:------|
# |GBTM_P3_K6_S1000; |          350|         30|              6| -4782.440| 9740.619| 9645.448| 9624.881| 9630.712| 9770.618|        12.141|         0.2398|      88|      49|      28|      71|      35|      79|        25.14|        14.00|         8.00|        20.29|        10.00|        22.57|pass                 | 0.799| 0.672| 0.639| 0.694| 0.916| 0.745|fail           |   0.640|pass              |All continuous latent variable covariances involving I have been fixed to 0 because the variance of I is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving S have been fixed to 0 because the variance of S is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving Q have been fixed to 0 because the variance of Q is fixed at 0. 3 WARNING(S) FOUND IN THE INPUT INSTRUCTIONS |NA     |
# |GBTM_P3_K5_S2000; |          350|         25|              5| -4788.718| 9723.885| 9644.576| 9627.437| 9631.449| 9748.884|        10.906|         0.7752|      52|      44|      58|     135|      61|      NA|        14.86|        12.57|        16.57|        38.57|        17.43|           NA|pass                 | 0.882| 0.629| 0.745| 0.890| 0.687|    NA|fail           |   0.668|pass              |All continuous latent variable covariances involving I have been fixed to 0 because the variance of I is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving S have been fixed to 0 because the variance of S is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving Q have been fixed to 0 because the variance of Q is fixed at 0. 3 WARNING(S) FOUND IN THE INPUT INSTRUCTIONS |NA     |
# |GBTM_P3_K4_S1000; |          350|         20|              4| -4794.357| 9705.873| 9642.426| 9628.714| 9631.267| 9725.873|        32.058|         0.1455|     138|      94|      50|      68|      NA|      NA|        39.43|        26.86|        14.29|        19.43|           NA|           NA|pass                 | 0.882| 0.765| 0.882| 0.734|    NA|    NA|pass           |   0.677|pass              |All continuous latent variable covariances involving I have been fixed to 0 because the variance of I is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving S have been fixed to 0 because the variance of S is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving Q have been fixed to 0 because the variance of Q is fixed at 0. 3 WARNING(S) FOUND IN THE INPUT INSTRUCTIONS |NA     |
# |GBTM_P3_K3_S1000; |          350|         15|              3| -4810.933| 9709.736| 9662.151| 9651.867| 9653.304| 9724.735|        67.769|         0.0008|     145|     160|      45|      NA|      NA|      NA|        41.43|        45.71|        12.86|           NA|           NA|           NA|pass                 | 0.904| 0.841| 0.871|    NA|    NA|    NA|pass           |   0.720|pass              |All continuous latent variable covariances involving I have been fixed to 0 because the variance of I is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving S have been fixed to 0 because the variance of S is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving Q have been fixed to 0 because the variance of Q is fixed at 0. 3 WARNING(S) FOUND IN THE INPUT INSTRUCTIONS |NA     |
# |GBTM_P3_K2_S1000; |          350|         10|              2| -4845.975| 9750.529| 9718.806| 9711.950| 9712.599| 9760.529|       340.573|         0.0000|     138|     212|      NA|      NA|      NA|      NA|        39.43|        60.57|           NA|           NA|           NA|           NA|pass                 | 0.902| 0.929|    NA|    NA|    NA|    NA|pass           |   0.740|pass              |All continuous latent variable covariances involving I have been fixed to 0 because the variance of I is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving S have been fixed to 0 because the variance of S is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving Q have been fixed to 0 because the variance of Q is fixed at 0. 3 WARNING(S) FOUND IN THE INPUT INSTRUCTIONS |NA     |

The optimal number of latent classes (K) will be determined using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). The difference in BIC between the K and K-1 models will be assessed using the Lo-Mendel-Rubin adjusted likelihood ratio test (LMR-aLRT), as the Bootstrapped LRT (BLRT) provided inconclusive results.

Examining the fit indices, the GBTM with 4 latent classes had the best BIC value. However, the aLRT p-value was not significant (p > 0.05), indicating that the number of latent classes could be reduced to K = 3.

Alternatively, the getBest function can be used to select the best-fitting model according to the same criteria.

# Select best-fitting GBTM
GBTM_best <- getBest(
  lgm_object = GBTM_models, 
  ic = "BIC",
  lrt = "aLRT", 
  p = 0.05
# The model with the best BIC value is: GBTM_P3_K4_S1000.
# The T11_LMR_PValue p-value was not significant (p > 0.05), indicating that the number of classes (K) could be reduced to K = 3.
# The suggested best-fitting model is: GBTM_P3_K3_S1000.

Inspect the trajectory plots at each step to ensure that the emergent patterns are sensible by considering their empirical implications and whether the trajectories are distinct.

# Plot best-fitting GBTM
GBTM_plot <- MplusAutomation::plotGrowthMixtures(
  bw = FALSE,
  rawdata = TRUE,
  alpha_range =c(0, 0.05),
  time_scale = seq(from = 0, to = 24, by = 6)


Step 4: Refine Covariance Structure - Latent Class Growth Analysis (LCGA)

Fit a series of LCGA to determine the optimal covariance structure, progressively relaxing the assumptions of equal residual variance across time and/or class.

LCGA models with 3 latent classes will be estimated using the fitLCGA function, allowing for residual variance to vary:

# Run LCGA models
LCGA_models <- fitLCGA(
  data = symptoms,
  outvar = paste("sx", seq(from = 0, to = 24, by = 6), sep = "_"),
  idvar = "id",
  starting_val = 500,
  k = 3L,
  timescores = seq(from = 0, to = 24, by = 6),
  polynomial = 3,
  output = c('TECH1', 'TECH11', 'SAMPSTAT', 'STANDARDIZED'),
  wd = 'Results'
# Examine fit indices
LCGA_fit <- getFit(c(GBTM_best, LCGA_models))

# |Title                | Observations| Parameters| NLatentClasses|        LL|      BIC|     aBIC|      AIC|     AICC|     CAIC| T11_LMR_Value| T11_LMR_PValue| count_1| count_2| count_3| proportion_1| proportion_2| proportion_3|Proportion_criterion | APPA1| APPA2| APPA3|APPA_criterion | Entropy|Entropy_criterion |Warnings                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |Errors |
# |:--------------------|------------:|----------:|--------------:|---------:|--------:|--------:|--------:|--------:|--------:|-------------:|--------------:|-------:|-------:|-------:|------------:|------------:|------------:|:--------------------|-----:|-----:|-----:|:--------------|-------:|:-----------------|:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:------|
# |GBTM_P3_K3_S1000;    |          350|         15|              3| -4810.933| 9709.736| 9662.151| 9651.867| 9653.304| 9724.735|        67.769|         0.0008|     145|     160|      45|        41.43|        45.71|        12.86|pass                 | 0.904| 0.841| 0.871|pass           |   0.720|pass              |All continuous latent variable covariances involving I have been fixed to 0 because the variance of I is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving S have been fixed to 0 because the variance of S is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving Q have been fixed to 0 because the variance of Q is fixed at 0. 3 WARNING(S) FOUND IN THE INPUT INSTRUCTIONS |NA     |
# |LCGA_C_P3_K3_S1000;  |          350|         17|              3| -4779.307| 9658.198| 9604.268| 9592.613| 9594.456| 9675.199|        93.520|         0.0128|     203|      35|     112|        58.00|        10.00|        32.00|pass                 | 0.930| 0.913| 0.879|pass           |   0.805|pass              |All continuous latent variable covariances involving I have been fixed to 0 because the variance of I is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving S have been fixed to 0 because the variance of S is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving Q have been fixed to 0 because the variance of Q is fixed at 0. 3 WARNING(S) FOUND IN THE INPUT INSTRUCTIONS |NA     |
# |LCGA_TC_P3_K3_S1000; |          350|         29|              3| -4745.170| 9660.220| 9568.222| 9548.340| 9553.778| 9689.220|       126.858|         0.0022|      70|      67|     213|        20.00|        19.14|        60.86|pass                 | 0.898| 0.918| 0.935|pass           |   0.830|pass              |All continuous latent variable covariances involving I have been fixed to 0 because the variance of I is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving S have been fixed to 0 because the variance of S is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving Q have been fixed to 0 because the variance of Q is fixed at 0. 3 WARNING(S) FOUND IN THE INPUT INSTRUCTIONS |NA     |
# |LCGA_T_P3_K3_S1000;  |          350|         19|              3| -4806.842| 9724.985| 9664.711| 9651.685| 9653.988| 9743.985|        69.050|         0.0048|     154|      52|     144|        44.00|        14.86|        41.14|pass                 | 0.842| 0.877| 0.903|pass           |   0.722|pass              |All continuous latent variable covariances involving I have been fixed to 0 because the variance of I is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving S have been fixed to 0 because the variance of S is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving Q have been fixed to 0 because the variance of Q is fixed at 0. 3 WARNING(S) FOUND IN THE INPUT INSTRUCTIONS |NA     |

Examining the fit indices of the LCGA models in comparison to the best-fitting GBTM, the LCGA with relaxed residual variance across class had the best BIC value. The aLRT p-value was significant (p <= 0.05), indicating that the number of classes couldn’t be further reduced.

# Select best-fitting GBTM
LCGA_best <- getBest(
  lgm_object = c(GBTM_best, LCGA_models),
  ic = "BIC"
# The model with the best BIC value is: LCGA_C_P3_K3_S1000;
# Note: The T11_LMR_PValue p-value is significant (p <= 0.05), indicating that the number of classes cannot be reduced.
# Plot best-fitting GBTM
LCGA_plot <- MplusAutomation::plotGrowthMixtures(
  bw = FALSE,
  rawdata = TRUE,
  alpha_range =c(0, 0.05),
  time_scale = seq(from = 0, to = 24, by = 6)


Step 5: Refine Polynomial Order

Remove the highest-order polynomial terms that are non-significant iteratively per class and re-running the updated models using the getPoly function.

# Refine polynomial order
final_model <- getPoly(
  lgm_object = LCGA_best, 
  wd = 'Results')
# Class 3: the highest-order polynomial term was not significant (p > 0.05) and was removed CUB@0
# Class 2: the highest-order polynomial term was not significant (p > 0.05) and was removed CUB@0
# Class 1: the highest-order polynomial term was not significant (p > 0.05) and was removed CUB@0
# Class 3: the highest-order polynomial term was not significant (p > 0.05) and was removed Q@0
# [1] "The highest-order polynomial term is significant (p < 0.05) across all classes."
# Examine fit indices 
final_fit <- getFit(final_model)

# |Title                 | Observations| Parameters| NLatentClasses|        LL|      BIC|     aBIC|      AIC|     AICC|     CAIC| T11_LMR_Value| T11_LMR_PValue| count_1| count_2| count_3| proportion_1| proportion_2| proportion_3|Proportion_criterion | APPA1| APPA2| APPA3|APPA_criterion | Entropy|Entropy_criterion |Warnings                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |Errors |
# |:---------------------|------------:|----------:|--------------:|---------:|--------:|--------:|--------:|--------:|--------:|-------------:|--------------:|-------:|-------:|-------:|------------:|------------:|------------:|:--------------------|-----:|-----:|-----:|:--------------|-------:|:-----------------|:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:------|
# |LCGA_C_P221_K3_S8000; |          350|         13|              3| -4794.113| 9664.379| 9623.138| 9614.225| 9615.308| 9677.379|       104.851|         0.0293|     107|     207|      36|        30.57|        59.14|        10.29|pass                 | 0.884| 0.921| 0.907|pass           |   0.797|pass              |All continuous latent variable covariances involving I have been fixed to 0 because the variance of I is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving S have been fixed to 0 because the variance of S is fixed at 0. All continuous latent variable covariances involving Q have been fixed to 0 because the variance of Q is fixed at 0. 3 WARNING(S) FOUND IN THE INPUT INSTRUCTIONS |NA     |
# Plot final model
final_plot <- MplusAutomation::plotGrowthMixtures(
  bw = FALSE,
  rawdata = TRUE,
  alpha_range =c(0, 0.05),
  time_scale = seq(from = 0, to = 24, by = 6)


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