NHSRdatasets 0.3.0
- Added two new datasets for ‘stranded patients’ and synthetic early
warning scores (NEWS), including vignettes, thanks to Gary Hutson.
- Removed Travis and added GitHub actions
NHSRdatasets 0.2.0
- Added a new ONS Mortality data set, and vignette showing it’s
construction, thanks to Zoë Turner.
- Resaved .Rdata files as rda, using “gzip” compression.
- Other minor documentation tweaks.
NHSRdatasets 0.1.2
- Added a new NHS Accident and Emergency (A&E) dataset with
vignette, thanks to Tom Jemmett.
- Typos resolved and cleaned some files.
- Added pkgdown site.
NHSRdatasets 0.1.1
- This is the first release of this collaborative package for NHS and
healthcare analysts to learn or teach R. It will evolve over time as new
contributions are released.
mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.