Package: OPI Type: Package Title: Open Perimetry Interface Version: 2.11.1 Date: 2023-11-06 Authors@R: c( person(“Andrew”,“Turpin”,email=“”,role=c(“cre”,“aut”,“cph”)), person(“David”,“Lawson”,role=c(“ctb”,“cph”)), person(“Matthias”,“Muller”,role=“ctb”), person(“Jonathan”,“Dennis”,role=c(“ctb”,“cph”)), person(“Astrid”,“Zeman”,role=“ctb”), person(“Ivan”,“Marin-Franch”,role=“ctb”)) Author: Andrew Turpin [cre, aut, cph], David Lawson [ctb, cph], Matthias Muller [ctb], Jonathan Dennis [ctb, cph], Astrid Zeman [ctb], Ivan Marin-Franch [ctb] Maintainer: Andrew Turpin Description: Implementation of the Open Perimetry Interface (OPI) for simulating and controlling visual field machines using R. The OPI is a standard for interfacing with visual field testing machines (perimeters) first started as an open source project with support of Haag-Streit in 2010. It specifies basic functions that allow many visual field tests to be constructed. As of February 2022 it is fully implemented on the Haag-Streit Octopus 900 with partial implementations on the Centervue Compass, Kowa AP 7000, Android phones and the CrewT IMO. It also has a cousin: the R package ‘visualFields’, which has tools for analysing and manipulating visual field data. License: Apache License (== 2.0) URL: Depends: methods, Rfast, abind LazyData: true Encoding: UTF-8 RoxygenNote: 7.1.2 Collate: OPI-package.r opi.r compassClient.r displayClient.r daydreamClient.r dbTocd.r fourTwo.r full_threshold.r imoClient.r kowaAP7000Client.r mocs.r octopus600.r octopus900Client.r pix2deg.r phoneHMD.r QUESTP.r simDisplay.r simG.r simH.r simH_RT.r simNo.r simYes.r zest.r data-RtDbUnits.r data-RtSigmaUnits.r opiKineticStimulus.r opiStaticStimulus.r opiTemporalStimulus.r Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)

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