PCGII License: MIT v3

R Package for Information-incorporated Gene Network Construction with FDR Control


Hao Wang, Yumou Qiu and Peng Liu.


[haydo.wang@outlook.com] (Hao Wang)


Wang, H., Qiu, Y.*, Guo, H., Yin, Y., Liu, P.*, 2024. Information-incorporated Gene Network Construction with FDR Control. Under review.

Installation and Package loading

# R version is required >= 3.4.4
# When the first time to use the package, please make sure dependent packages are installed under your R environment, if not, please use commands below to install
> #install.packages("tidyverse")
> #install.packages("glmnet")
> #install.packages("mvtnorm")
> #install.packages("igraph")
> #install.packages("Matrix")
# install "devtools" package in your R environment
> # devtools::install_github("HaoWang47/PCGII")
> library(PCGII)
> library(corpcor)
> library(glmnet)
> library(igraph)
> library(Matrix)
> library(mvtnorm)
> library(tidyverse)

This is a tutorial script for researchers who are interested in applying PCGII on omics data to learn the direct association structure of omics features. The main function PGCII() takes a biologically pre-processed expression data matrix as input, and returns a list of statistics (estimates and test statistics). The function inference() takes a list returned by PGCII() as input and conduct simultaneous test to identify significant partial correlations with False Discovery Rate (FDR) controlled at a pre-determined nominal level (0.05 by default).




Network Analysis

Simulate data \(X\) from a scale-free network \(g\).

> # Simulating data
> set.seed(1234567)
> n=50 # sample size
> p=30 # number of nodes
> omega=make_random_precision_mat(eta=.01, p=p)
> Sigma=solve(omega) # population covariance matrix, which is used to generate data
> X = rmvnorm(n = n, sigma = Sigma) # simulate expression data

Network analysis of data matrix X.

> # determine tuning parameter: fixed lambda
> lam=2*sqrt(log(p)/n)
> # create prior set: directed prior network
> prior_set=matrix(data=c(6,5, 28,14), nrow=2, ncol=2, byrow = TRUE)
> colnames(prior_set)=c("row", "col")
> PCGII_out=PCGII(df=X, prior=as.data.frame(prior_set), lambda = lam)
> inference_out=inference(list=PCGII_out)
> diag(inference_out)=0
> # Visualization
> inference_out %>%
+   graph_from_adjacency_matrix(mode = "undirected") %>%
+   plot(vertex.size=4, vertex.label.dist=0.5, vertex.color="red", edge.arrow.size=0.5)
> # create prior set: undirected prior network
> PCGII_out=PCGII(df=X, prior=undirected_prior(prior_set), lambda = lam)
> inference_out=inference(list=PCGII_out)
> diag(inference_out)=0
> # Visualization
> inference_out %>%
+   graph_from_adjacency_matrix(mode = "undirected") %>%
+   plot(vertex.size=4, vertex.label.dist=0.5, vertex.color="red", edge.arrow.size=0.5)

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