Package version

1.0 version

Initial version of the package

1.1 version

PODBA-13 - New bootstrapping, new Immunogenicity sample creation (three methods = Full, Ratio, Fixed), PoD curve point estimation

1.1.1 version

PODBA-16 - formatting adjustments in PoDParamEstimation

1.2 version

PODBA-11 - cleaning of the code - Incidence rate, confidence intervals, unused variables and functions

1.2.1 version

PODBA-28 - efficacyComputation function adjusted, Dengue and Zostavax functions removed from the package

1.2.2 version

PODBA-34 - cppPoD function adjusted for adjustTiters, implemented into cppMLE and PoDMLE

1.2.3 version

PODBA-19 - new functions documentation, package data added, vignettes created, warning and error messages added, bimodal functions removed

1.2.4 version

Unit tests created, cppMLE corrected, ImmunogenicitySubset - methodology changed, documentation & DESCRIPTION adjusted to CRAN standards

1.3.0 version

Naming convention updated (control, diseased, nondiseased, casecount, PoDBAY) both in code and documentation

1.4.0 version

epiR package dependency removed (WaldCI function updated). DESCRIPTION updated, example into README added, LICENSE and LICENSE.note files added, copyright added, documentation and vignettes updated.

1.4.1 version

repeatCount parameter in vignettes decreased to 50 to reduce package build time. LICENSE file removed from the top directory; its contents moved to LICENSE.note file. Population mnethods removed from examples.

1.4.2 version

Authors adjusted and doi added to DESCRIPTION. Dontrun changed to donttest. Rm(list = ls()) removed from all scripts. Examples using population methods removed.

1.4.3 version

Example in efficacySquaredError function adjusted.

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