
The goal of PopulateR is to create a synthetic population of people, which can then be used for modelling. As access to microdata can be difficult, the package assumes only frequency tables are available. The requirement for using the package is that a data frame of synthetic individuals already exists. This can be created by using a frequency table with counts or weights, and then using those counts (weights) to construct the population.

The functions have been created assuming that the process to be used is - add ages to people (agedis). - choose which people are in education (addind). - create couples using only age groups (fastmatch). This creates a couples household. - create couples, or add a single child to a parent, using a normal or skew normal distribution based on ages (pairnorm). This creates a household containing two people. - add a single child to a pre-existing couple, using a four-parameter beta distribution (pairbeta4Num), or a normal or skew normal distribution (pairnormNum). - add a single child to a sole parent, using a four-parameter beta distribution (pairbeta4). This creates sole parent households. - add multiple children to an existing couple (pairmultNum). - add multiple children to a sole parent (pairmultNum). This creates sole parent households. - add children to schools (addschool). - add an extra person to a pre-existing household (otherNum). - create a household of unrelated people (other). This creates households. - create employers (createemp). - add an employer to each worker (addemp). - create a contact network (addnetwork).

The package is modular, and some functions may not be needed, depending on the detail in the frequency tables used. For example, if the population has a pre-existing age structure, the agedis function is not needed.

For example, relationship status may only be provided by age group. After adding ages, there is likely to be a random pattern of the proportion of people in a relationship, by age. fixrelations can be used to create an age pattern, within age group, within sex, so that there is a monotonic increase, or decrease in the proportion of people in a relationship, by age within sex. When an education indicator (addind) has been added, some people in full-time education may also be working full-time hours. fixhours adjusts the hours worked so that people in education do not have an usually long working week.

There are two helper functions included. diffsample samples without replacement, when different groups require different sample counts. interdiff interpolates proportions between mean values for groups.


You can install the development version of PopulateR from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

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