library(knitr) # nicer html tables
Two functions allow empirical researchers to partition clustered data on one or two dimensions and to derive solutions for the pooled data and for each partition.
is available for producing conservative or parsimonious models;partition_min_inter()
should be used for intermediate models. For programming purposes, we opted for a separate function for the intermediate solution.We first illustrate how one can decompose panel data on two dimensions. In a between-unit perspective, the panel is partitioned into multiple cross sections with the time
argument that specifies the cross section ID. In a within-unit perspective, the data is decomposed into multiple time series with the units
argument that specifies the unit (or time series) ID. The arguments of the functions are:
: Frequency threshold for pooled dataincl_cut
: Inclusion threshold (a.k.a. consistency threshold) for pooled datasolution
(only for partition_min()
): Either C
for conservative solution (a.k.a. complex solution) or P
for parsimonious solutionBE_cons
and WI_cons
: Inclusion thresholds for cross sections and time series. The length of the numeric vector should equal the number of units and time series.BE_ncut
and WI_ncut
: Frequency thresholds for the cross sections and time series. The length of the numeric vector should equal the number of units and time series.We first illustrate the parsimonious solution with dataset from Thiem (2011).
# load data (see data description for details)
# partition data into time series (within-unit) and cross sections (between-unit)
<- partition_min(
Thiem_pars dataset = Thiem2011,
units = "country", time = "year",
cond = c("fedismfs", "homogtyfs", "powdifffs", "comptvnsfs",
"pubsupfs", "ecodpcefs"),
out = "memberfs",
n_cut = 6, incl_cut = 0.8,
solution = "P", # parsimonious solution
BE_cons = c(0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.8, 0.85, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
BE_ncut = rep(1, 11),
WI_cons = c(0.75, 0.8, 0.9, 0.8, 0.85, rep(0.75, 10)),
WI_ncut = rep(1, 15))
type | partition | solution | model | consistency | coverage |
pooled | - | comptvnsfs+fedismfs * pubsupfs | 1 | 0.8976935 | 0.7113797 |
pooled | - | comptvnsfs+fedismfs * ecodpcefs | 2 | 0.8949502 | 0.7158019 |
pooled | - | comptvnsfs+homogtyfs * pubsupfs | 3 | 0.8780259 | 0.7342767 |
between | 1996 | fedismfs * comptvnsfs | 1 | 0.9030303 | 0.3748428 |
between | 1996 | comptvnsfs * pubsupfs | 2 | 0.9885057 | 0.4327044 |
between | 1997 | ~powdifffs | 1 | 0.9064748 | 0.6339623 |
between | 1997 | comptvnsfs | 2 | 0.8910675 | 0.5144654 |
between | 1997 | pubsupfs * ~ecodpcefs | 3 | 0.8672769 | 0.4767296 |
between | 1998 | comptvnsfs | 1 | 0.9288703 | 0.6090535 |
between | 1999 | ~powdifffs+fedismfs * ecodpcefs | 1 | 0.8876404 | 0.7623643 |
between | 1999 | ~powdifffs+fedismfs * ~homogtyfs+homogtyfs * pubsupfs * ecodpcefs | 2 | 0.8961039 | 0.7490953 |
between | 2000 | comptvnsfs+fedismfs * pubsupfs | 1 | 0.9684685 | 0.6508577 |
between | 2000 | comptvnsfs+fedismfs * ecodpcefs | 2 | 0.9417476 | 0.6851665 |
between | 2000 | comptvnsfs+fedismfs * ~homogtyfs+homogtyfs * pubsupfs | 3 | 0.9708333 | 0.7053481 |
between | 2001 | fedismfs+comptvnsfs | 1 | 0.9028436 | 0.7689203 |
between | 2002 | fedismfs+~powdifffs+pubsupfs | 1 | 0.8149780 | 0.7467205 |
between | 2002 | fedismfs+comptvnsfs+pubsupfs | 2 | 0.8214665 | 0.7800202 |
between | 2003 | pubsupfs+~ecodpcefs | 1 | 0.7985213 | 0.8529121 |
between | 2004 | fedismfs+~ecodpcefs | 1 | 0.9184290 | 0.8260870 |
between | 2004 | pubsupfs+~ecodpcefs | 2 | 0.9081726 | 0.8958333 |
between | 2005 | pubsupfs+~ecodpcefs | 1 | 0.9002695 | 0.9076087 |
between | 2005 | fedismfs+homogtyfs+ecodpcefs | 2 | 0.8868101 | 0.8586957 |
between | 2006 | comptvnsfs+~pubsupfs | 1 | 0.8982118 | 0.7829736 |
between | 2006 | ~pubsupfs+fedismfs * ~ecodpcefs | 2 | 0.8335725 | 0.6966427 |
within | AT | All truth table rows inconsistent | - | NA | NA |
within | BE | No variation in all conditions | - | NA | NA |
within | DE | All truth table rows consistent | - | NA | NA |
within | DK | ~pubsupfs | 1 | 0.8297389 | 0.9798928 |
within | DK | ~ecodpcefs | 2 | 0.9469154 | 0.8847185 |
within | ES | All truth table rows consistent | - | NA | NA |
within | FI | No variation in all conditions | - | NA | NA |
within | FR | All truth table rows consistent | - | NA | NA |
within | GR | All truth table rows inconsistent | - | NA | NA |
within | IE | All truth table rows inconsistent | - | NA | NA |
within | IT | No variation in all conditions | - | NA | NA |
within | LU | homogtyfs | 1 | 0.7629630 | 0.8131579 |
within | NL | All truth table rows consistent | - | NA | NA |
within | PT | All truth table rows inconsistent | - | NA | NA |
within | SE | All truth table rows inconsistent | - | NA | NA |
within | UK | All truth table rows consistent | - | NA | NA |
The output of partition_min()
is a dataframe summarizing the solutions for the pooled data and the partitions and the consistency and coverage values for the solution. The column model
shows whether model ambiguity is given for the pooled data or individual partitions if one can derive any model from the data in the first place.
There are different reasons why one might not be able to derive a partition-specific solution:
When one the reason applies, it is listed in the column solution
The intermediate solution is derived with partition_min_inter()
. The only command that is new compared to partition_min()
is intermediate
that is available for specifying the directional expectations. The data structure for Schwarz 2016 is an unbalanced panel with eight countries, ten years and 74 observations in total. We assume that one is only interested in the between-unit dimension and wants to derive one solution per cross section. For this reason, the argument for the within-unit dimension (unit
) is not specified.
# load data (see data description for details)
# partition data into cross sections
<- partition_min_inter(
Schwarz2016, time = "year",
cond = c("poltrans", "ecotrans", "reform", "conflict", "attention"),
out = "enlarge",
n_cut = 1, incl_cut = 0.8,
WI_cons = rep(0.8, 8), BE_cons = c(0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75,
0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
WI_ncut = rep(1, 8), BE_ncut = rep(1, 10),
intermediate = c("1", "1", "1", "1", "1"))
type | partition | solution | model | consistency | coverage |
pooled | - | poltrans * ecotrans * reform+poltrans * reform * conflict * attention | 1 | 0.8008497 | 0.7783001 |
between | 04 | All inconsistent | - | NA | NA |
between | 05 | All inconsistent | - | NA | NA |
between | 06 | All inconsistent | - | NA | NA |
between | 07 | poltrans * ecotrans * reform+poltrans * reform * ~conflict | 1 | 0.7552752 | 0.8692104 |
between | 08 | poltrans * ecotrans * reform * conflict | 1 | 0.7626173 | 0.8482275 |
between | 09 | All consistent | - | NA | NA |
between | 10 | poltrans * ecotrans * reform * attention+poltrans * reform * conflict * attention | 1 | 0.8760953 | 0.8125806 |
between | 11 | poltrans * conflict * attention+poltrans * ecotrans * reform * attention | 1 | 0.8195671 | 0.9566749 |
between | 12 | poltrans * conflict+poltrans * ecotrans * reform | 1 | 0.8411864 | 0.8865839 |
between | 13 | All consistent | - | NA | NA |
Clustered data can be partitioned on a single dimension if there is only one dimension as an in multilevel data where lower-level units are nested in higher-level units. The analysis is then similar to the partition of panel data along one dimension. We use the dataset by Grauvogel and von Soest (2014) for illustrating the analysis of multilevel data. The study analyzes the effect of sanctions on authoritarian regimes. The data distinguishes between the source of the sanction (Sender
) and the target country (Target
). All sanctions have been imposed by the EU, UN or US, which means that target countries are nested in three different senders. We partition the data on the dimension of senders to see how solutions differ across senders.
# load data (see data description for details)
# partition data by sender country (higher-level unit)
<- partition_min(
GS_pars dataset = Grauvogel2014,
units = "Sender",
cond = c("Comprehensiveness", "Linkage", "Vulnerability",
"Repression", "Claims"),
out = "Persistence",
n_cut = 1, incl_cut = 0.75,
solution = "P",
BE_cons = rep(0.75, 3),
BE_ncut = rep(1, 3))
type | partition | solution | model | consistency | coverage |
pooled | - | ~Comprehensiveness * Claims+~Linkage * Claims+~Repression * Claims+~Comprehensiveness * ~Linkage * ~Repression+Comprehensiveness * ~Vulnerability * Repression | 1 | 0.7758164 | 0.7336208 |
pooled | - | ~Comprehensiveness * Claims+~Linkage * Claims+~Repression * Claims+~Comprehensiveness * ~Linkage * ~Repression+Linkage * ~Vulnerability * Repression | 2 | 0.7776948 | 0.7245792 |
within | EU | Vulnerability+~Comprehensiveness * ~Repression+Linkage * Claims | 1 | 0.6293355 | 0.9145825 |
within | EU | Vulnerability+~Linkage * ~Repression+Linkage * Claims | 2 | 0.6327684 | 0.9049634 |
within | EU | Vulnerability+Linkage * Repression+~Repression * Claims | 3 | 0.6310549 | 0.9022701 |
within | EU | Vulnerability+Linkage * Claims+~Repression * Claims | 4 | 0.6320277 | 0.9126587 |
within | EU | Vulnerability+~Comprehensiveness * Linkage+~Comprehensiveness * ~Repression+Comprehensiveness * Claims | 5 | 0.6273610 | 0.8945748 |
within | EU | Vulnerability+~Comprehensiveness * Linkage+Comprehensiveness * Repression+~Repression * Claims | 6 | 0.6238361 | 0.9022701 |
within | EU | Vulnerability+~Comprehensiveness * Linkage+Comprehensiveness * Claims+~Linkage * ~Repression | 7 | 0.6253391 | 0.8868796 |
within | EU | Vulnerability+~Comprehensiveness * Linkage+Comprehensiveness * Claims+~Repression * Claims | 8 | 0.6261682 | 0.9022701 |
within | EU | Vulnerability+~Comprehensiveness * ~Repression+Comprehensiveness * Claims+Linkage * Repression | 9 | 0.6303763 | 0.9022701 |
within | UN | Comprehensiveness+Linkage+Claims | 1 | 0.7458176 | 0.9207195 |
within | US | Comprehensiveness * ~Linkage * ~Vulnerability+Linkage * ~Repression * Claims+~Vulnerability * Repression * Claims | 1 | 0.7864914 | 0.5616704 |
within | US | Comprehensiveness * ~Vulnerability * Claims+Linkage * ~Repression * Claims+~Vulnerability * Repression * Claims | 2 | 0.7866918 | 0.5396568 |
within | US | Comprehensiveness * ~Linkage * ~Vulnerability+Linkage * ~Vulnerability * Claims+~Vulnerability * Repression * Claims+Comprehensiveness * Linkage * Vulnerability * ~Repression | 3 | 0.7960289 | 0.5710586 |
within | US | Comprehensiveness * ~Vulnerability * Claims+Linkage * ~Vulnerability * Claims+~Vulnerability * Repression * Claims+Comprehensiveness * Linkage * Vulnerability * ~Repression | 4 | 0.7975690 | 0.5522823 |
Yihui Xie (2021): knitr: A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R. R package version 1.33.
Yihui Xie (2015): Dynamic Documents with R and knitr. 2nd edition. Chapman and Hall/CRC. ISBN 978-1498716963
Yihui Xie (2014): knitr: A Comprehensive Tool for Reproducible Research in R. In Victoria Stodden, Friedrich Leisch and Roger D. Peng, editors, Implementing Reproducible Computational Research. Chapman and Hall/CRC. ISBN 978-1466561595
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