The following changes have been made since version 1.1 of Quantitative Psychology Tools
Changes to v. 1.2 1. Changed affiliation from to
Changes to v. 1.3 1. There was a grammar error in help files with examples involving boot() with mediation
Changes to v. 1.4 1. Corrected numerous help file errors (syntax issues) 2. Renamed 2 functions to eliminate a conflict with classes. 3. is now meanCenter 4. plot.normX (plot.normXm) is now plotNormX (plotNormXm) 5. Changes to plotNormXm, now incorporates a for loop 6. Added 2 new functions: ClassLog and NormalizeX
Changes to v. 1.5 1. Functions using sd() needed to be revised to sapply(MAT, sd) 2. Added minor to tweaks to make suitable for R 2.15 upgrade (e.g., 3. Changed library(PACKAGE) to require(PACKAGE) in examples)
Changes to v. 1.6 1. Changed affiliation to 2. Updated call to functions in stats and graphics in NAMESPACE 3. Dropped the use of attach/detach(data) and replaced with functions in purr and dpylr 4. Removed pdf generation from plotnormXm example 5. Re-compiled to work under R 4.2.0
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