estimates the cumulative water influx into
hydrocarbon reservoirs using un-steady and pseudo-steady state modeling
approaches. It generates a data frame of cumulative water influx over
time for edge- and bottom-drive aquifers.
You can install the released version of Raquifer from CRAN with:
<- aquifer_time(x = c(0,0.368,2.439,4.957,7.732,11.926,18.126,30.044) * 365, unit = "day")
<- aquifer_param(input_unit = "Field", output_unit = "Field", model = "uss",
parameters flow_type = "radial", water_drive = "edge", phi = 0.27, perm_h = 64.2,
h_a = 20, r_a = 5 * 14892, r_R = 14892, tetha = 180,
mu_water = 0.485, c_water = 3.88e-6, c_rock = 2e-6,
pressure = c(1640,1600,1400,1200,1000,800,600,400))
<- aquifer_predict(aquifer_lst = parameters, time_lst = aqu_time) pred_veh
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