RcppMeCab License CRAN Downloads

This package, RcppMeCab, is a Rcpp wrapper for the part-of-speech morphological analyzer MeCab. It supports native utf-8 encoding in C++ code and CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) MeCab library. This package fully utilizes the power Rcpp brings R computation to analyze texts faster.


Linux and Mac OSX

First, install MeCab of your language-of-choice.

Second, you can install RcppMeCab from CRAN with:

install.packages("RcppMeCab") # build from source
# install.packages("devtools")
install_github("junhewk/RcppMeCab") # install developmental version


You should set the language you want to use for the analysis with the environment variable MECAB_LANG. The default value is ko and if you want to analyze Japanese or Chinese, please set it as jp before install the package.

install.packages("RcppMeCab") # for installing Korean version

# or, install for Japanese
Sys.setenv(MECAB_LANG = 'ja') # for installing Japanese developmental version
install.packages("RcppMeCab", type="source") # build from source

# install.packages("devtools")
install_github("junhewk/RcppMeCab") # install developmental version

For analyzing, you also need MeCab binary and dictionary.

For Korean:

Install mecab-ko-msvc and mecab-ko-dic-msvc up to your 32-bit or 64-bit Windows version in C:\mecab. Provide directory location to RcppMeCab function.

For Japanese:

Install mecab binary. Provide directory location to RcppMeCab function. For example: pos(sentence, sys_dic = "C:/PROGRA~2/mecab/dic/ipadic")


This package has pos and posParallel function.

pos(sentence) # returns list, sentence will present on the names of the list
pos(sentence, join = FALSE) # for yielding morphemes only (tags will be given on the vector names)
pos(sentence, format = "data.frame") # the result will returned as a data frame format
pos(sentence, user_dic) # gets a compiled user dictionary 
posParallel(sentence, user_dic) # parallelized version uses more memory, but much faster than the loop in single threading

Compiling User Dictionary

MeCab API has DictionaryCompiler, but it contains die(). Hence, calling it in Rcpp crashes down entire R session. This will not be included in RcppMeCab functions.

Please refer to Mecab for Japanese.

Unix and Mac OSX

You should have model_file if you want the library to estimate cost automatically.

You need entire mecab-ko-dic source if you want to compile Korean user dictionary. User dictionary should also be prepared in CSV file. CSV structure is found in Japanese and Korean.


$ /usr/local/libexec/mecab/mecab-dict-index -m `model_file` -d `mecab_dic_location` -u `user_dictionary_file_name` -f `CSV file charset` -t `original dictionary charset` `target_csv

# example

$ /usr/local/libexec/mecab/mecab-dict-index -m /usr/local/lib/mecab/dic/mecab-ko-dic/model.bin -d ~/mecab-ko-dic-2.0.3-20170922 -u userdic.dic -f utf8 -t utf8 ~/person.csv


You can use it in the same way the Linux binary compiles the dictionary.



Junhewk Kim (junhewk.kim@gmail.com)

mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.