Hyperparameters Tuning

Gabriele Pittarello


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)



This vignette shows how to tune the hyperparameters of the machine learning algorithms implemented in ReSurv using the approach in Snoek, Larochelle, and Adams (2012) implemented in the R package ParBayesianOptimization (Wilson (2022)). For illustrative purposes, we will simulate daily claim notifications from one of the scenarios introduced in Hiabu, Hofman, and Pittarello (2023) (scenario Alpha).

input_data_0 <- data_generator(
  random_seed = 1964,
  scenario = 0,
  time_unit = 1 / 360,
  years = 4,
  period_exposure = 200

The counts data are then pre-processed using the IndividualDataPP function.

individual_data <- IndividualDataPP(
  data = input_data_0,
  id = NULL,
  categorical_features = "claim_type",
  continuous_features = "AP",
  accident_period = "AP",
  calendar_period = "RP",
  input_time_granularity = "days",
  output_time_granularity = "quarters",
  years = 4

Optimal hyperparameters

In the manuscript we fit the proportional likelihood of a cox model using extreme gradient boosting (XGB) and feed-forward neural networks (NN). The advantage of using the bayesian hyperparameters selection algorithm is in terms the computation time, and of a wide range of parameter choices (see again Snoek, Larochelle, and Adams (2012)). We show the ranges we inspected in the manuscript in the following table.

Model Hyperparameter Range
NN num_layers \(\left[2,10\right]\)
num_nodes \(\left[2,10\right]\)
optim \(\left[1,2\right]\)
activation \(\left[1,2\right]\)
lr \(\left[.005,0.5\right]\)
xi \(\left[0,0.5\right]\)
eps \(\left[0,0.5\right]\)
XGB eta \(\left[0,1\right]\)
max_depth \(\left[0,25\right]\)
min_child_weight \(\left[0,50\right]\)
lambda \(\left[0,50\right]\)
alpha \(\left[0,50\right]\)

In the following part of this vignette, we will discuss the steps required to optimize the hyperparameters with NN using the approach of Snoek, Larochelle, and Adams (2012). We will provide the code we used for XGB as it follows a similar flow.

Notes on K-Fold cross validation

In ReSurv, we have our own implementation of a standard K-Fold cross-validation (Hastie et al. (2009)), namely the ReSurvCV method of an IndividualDataPP object. We show an illustrative example for XGB below. Even if this routine can be used alone for choosing the optimal parameters, we suggest to use it within the bayesian approach of Snoek, Larochelle, and Adams (2012). An example is provided in the following chunk for NN.

resurv_cv_xgboost <- ReSurvCV(
  IndividualDataPP = individual_data,
  model = "XGB",
  hparameters_grid = list(
    booster = "gbtree",
    eta = c(.001, .01, .2, .3),
    max_depth = c(3, 6, 8),
    subsample = c(1),
    alpha = c(0, .2, 1),
    lambda = c(0, .2, 1),
    min_child_weight = c(.5, 1)
  print_every_n = 1L,
  nrounds = 500,
  verbose = FALSE,
  verbose.cv = TRUE,
  early_stopping_rounds = 100,
  folds = 5,
  parallel = T,
  ncores = 2,
  random_seed = 1

Neural networks

The ReSurv neural network implementation uses reticulate to interface R Studio to Python and it is based on a similar approach to Katzman et al. (2018), corrected to account for left-truncation and ties in the data. Similarly to the original implementation we relied on the Python library pytorch (Paszke et al. (2019)). The syntax of our NN is then the syntax of pytorch. See the reference guide for further information on the NN parametrization.

In order to use the ParBayesianOptimization package, we first need to specify the NN parameter ranges we are interested into a vector. We discussed in the last section the ranges we choose for each algorithm.

bounds <- list(
  num_layers = c(2L, 10L),
  num_nodes = c(2L, 10L),
  optim = c(1L, 2L),
  activation = c(1L, 2L),
  lr = c(.005, 0.5),
  xi = c(0, 0.5),
  eps = c(0, 0.5)

Secondly, we need to specify an objective function to be optimized with the Bayesian approach. The ParBayesianOptimization package can be loaded as


The score metric we inspect is the negative (partial) likelihood. The likelihood is returned with negative sign as Wilson (2022) is maximizing the objective function.

obj_func <- function(num_layers,
                     eps) {
  optim = switch(optim, "Adam", "SGD")
  activation = switch(activation, "LeakyReLU", "SELU")
  batch_size = as.integer(5000)
  number_layers = as.integer(num_layers)
  num_nodes = as.integer(num_nodes)
  deepsurv_cv <- ReSurvCV(
    IndividualDataPP = individual_data,
    model = "NN",
    hparameters_grid = list(
      num_layers = num_layers,
      num_nodes = num_nodes,
      optim = optim,
      activation = activation,
      lr = lr,
      xi = xi,
      eps = eps,
      tie = "Efron",
      batch_size = batch_size,
      early_stopping = 'TRUE',
      patience  = 20
    epochs = as.integer(300),
    num_workers = 0,
    verbose = FALSE,
    verbose.cv = TRUE,
    folds = 3,
    parallel = FALSE,
    random_seed = as.integer(Sys.time())
  lst <- list(
    Score = -deepsurv_cv$out.cv.best.oos$test.lkh,
    train.lkh = deepsurv_cv$out.cv.best.oos$train.lkh

As a last step, we use the bayesOpt function to perform the optimization.

bayes_out <- bayesOpt(
  FUN = obj_func,
  bounds = bounds,
  initPoints = 50,
  iters.n = 1000,
  iters.k = 50,
  otherHalting = list(timeLimit = 18000)

To select the optimal hyperparameters we inspect bayes_out$scoreSummary output. Below we print the first five rows of one of our runs. Observe scoreSummary is a data.table that contains some parameters specific of the original implementation (see Wilson (2022) for more details)

Epoch Iteration gpUtility acqOptimum inBounds errorMessage

and the parameters we specified during the optimization:

num_layers num_nodes optim activation lr xi eps batch_size Elapsed Score train.lkh
9 8 1 2 0.08 0.35 0.03 1226 6094.91 -6.24 6.28
9 2 2 1 0.47 0.50 0.10 3915 7307.31 -7.27 7.30
9 9 2 1 0.40 0.49 0.18 196 6719.70 -5.98 5.97
8 8 1 2 0.03 0.23 0.01 4508 8893.46 -7.39 7.41
9 7 2 1 0.13 0.13 0.12 900 3189.15 -6.21 6.23

We select the final combination that minimizes the negative (partial) likelihood, in the Score column.

Extreme gradient boosting utilzing parallel computing

In a similar fashion, we can optimize the gradient boosting parameters. We first set the hyperparameters grid.

bounds <- list(
  eta = c(0, 1),
  max_depth = c(1L, 25L),
  min_child_weight = c(0, 50),
  subsample = c(0.51, 1),
  lambda = c(0, 15),
  alpha = c(0, 15)

Secondly, we define an objective function.

obj_func <- function(eta,
                     alpha) {
  xgbcv <- ReSurvCV(
    IndividualDataPP = individual_data,
    model = "XGB",
    hparameters_grid = list(
      booster = "gbtree",
      eta = eta,
      max_depth = max_depth,
      subsample = subsample,
      alpha = lambda,
      lambda = alpha,
      min_child_weight = min_child_weight
    print_every_n = 1L,
    nrounds = 500,
    verbose = FALSE,
    verbose.cv = TRUE,
    early_stopping_rounds = 30,
    folds = 3,
    parallel = FALSE,
    random_seed = as.integer(Sys.time())
  lst <- list(
    Score = -xgbcv$out.cv.best.oos$test.lkh,
    train.lkh = xgbcv$out.cv.best.oos$train.lkh

Lastly, we perform the optimization in a parallel setting using the DoParallel package, as recommended in ‘BayesOpt’.


cl <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())

clusterEvalQ(cl, {

bayes_out <- bayesOpt(
  FUN = obj_func
  bounds = bounds
  initPoints = length(bounds) + 20
  iters.n = 1000
  iters.k = 50
  otherHalting = list(timeLimit = 18000)
  parallel = TRUE


Hastie, Trevor, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome H Friedman, and Jerome H Friedman. 2009. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction. Vol. 2. Springer.
Hiabu, Munir, Emil Hofman, and Gabriele Pittarello. 2023. “A Machine Learning Approach Based on Survival Analysis for IBNR Frequencies in Non-Life Reserving.” Preprint.
Katzman, Jared L, Uri Shaham, Alexander Cloninger, Jonathan Bates, Tingting Jiang, and Yuval Kluger. 2018. “DeepSurv: Personalized Treatment Recommender System Using a Cox Proportional Hazards Deep Neural Network.” BMC Medical Research Methodology 18 (1): 1–12.
Paszke, Adam, Sam Gross, Francisco Massa, Adam Lerer, James Bradbury, Gregory Chanan, Trevor Killeen, et al. 2019. “PyTorch: An Imperative Style, High-Performance Deep Learning Library.” In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 8024–35. Curran Associates, Inc. http://papers.neurips.cc/paper/9015-pytorch-an-imperative-style-high-performance-deep-learning-library.pdf.
Snoek, Jasper, Hugo Larochelle, and Ryan P Adams. 2012. “Practical Bayesian Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms.” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25.
Wilson, Samuel. 2022. ParBayesianOptimization: Parallel Bayesian Optimization of Hyperparameters. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ParBayesianOptimization.

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