Exploring The Variables Importance

Gabriele Pittarello



Machine learning models catch interactions between covariates. Often they are a black-box but they can be interpreted with SHAP values. We generate two data sets, one from scenario Alpha and one from scenario Delta the plotting functionalities of the ReSurv package.

input_data_0 <- data_generator(
  random_seed = 1,
  scenario = 0,
  time_unit = 1 / 360,
  years = 4,
  yearly_exposure = 200

individual_data_0 <- IndividualDataPP(
  data = input_data_0,
  id = NULL,
  categorical_features = "claim_type",
  continuous_features = "AP",
  accident_period = "AP",
  calendar_period = "RP",
  input_time_granularity = "days",
  output_time_granularity = "quarters",
  years = 4
# Input data scenario Delta

input_data3 <- data_generator(
  random_seed = 1,
  scenario = 3,
  time_unit = 1 / 360,
  years = 4,
  yearly_exposure = 200

individual_data_3 <- IndividualDataPP(
  data = input_data3,
  id = NULL,
  categorical_features = "claim_type",
  continuous_features = "AP",
  accident_period = "AP",
  calendar_period = "RP",
  input_time_granularity = "days",
  output_time_granularity = "quarters",
  years = 4

Here we fit Neural Networks and XGB. In order to simplify this vignette, we provide in advance the optimal hyperparameters.

hp_scenario_alpha_xgb <- list(
  params = list(
    booster = "gbtree",
    eta = 0.9887265,
    subsample = 0.7924135 ,
    alpha = 10.85342,
    lambda = 6.213317,
    min_child_weight = 3.042204,
    max_depth = 1
  print_every_n = 0,
  nrounds = 3000,
  verbose = FALSE,
  early_stopping_rounds = 500

hp_scenario_alpha_nn <- list(
  batch_size = as.integer(5000),
  epochs = as.integer(5500),
  num_workers = 0,
  tie = 'Efron',
  num_layers = 2,
  num_nodes = 10,
  optim = "SGD",
  batch_size = as.integer(5000),
  lr = 0.3023043,
  xi = 0.426443,
  eps = 0,
  activation = "SELU",
  early_stopping = TRUE,
  patience = 350,
  verbose = FALSE,
  network_structure = NULL

hp_scenario_delta_xgb <- list(params=list(booster="gbtree",
                                          subsample=0.9043068 ,
                                          lambda=12.09398 ,
                                          min_child_weight=22.4837 ,
                                          max_depth = 4),
                                          print_every_n = 0,
                                          verbose= FALSE,
                                          early_stopping_rounds = 500)

hp_scenario_delta_nn <- list(
  batch_size = as.integer(5000),
  epochs = as.integer(5500),
  num_workers = 0,
  tie = 'Efron',
  num_layers = 2,
  num_nodes = 2,
  optim = "Adam",
  batch_size = as.integer(5000),
  lr = 0.3542422,
  xi = 0.1803953,
  eps = 0,
  activation = "LeakyReLU",
  early_stopping = TRUE,
  patience = 350,
  verbose = FALSE,
  network_structure = NULL
resurv_model_xgb_A <-  ReSurv(individual_data_0,
                              hazard_model = "XGB",
                              hparameters = hp_scenario_alpha_xgb)

resurv_model_nn_A <-  ReSurv(individual_data_0,
                             hazard_model = "NN",
                             hparameters = hp_scenario_alpha_nn)

resurv_model_xgb_D <-  ReSurv(individual_data_3,
                              hazard_model = "XGB",
                              hparameters = hp_scenario_delta_xgb)

resurv_model_nn_D <- ReSurv(individual_data_3,
                            hazard_model = "NN",
                            hparameters = hp_scenario_delta_nn)

Shap values (XGB)


Shap values (NN)

plot(resurv_model_nn_A, nsamples = 10000)
plot(resurv_model_nn_D, nsamples=10000)

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