Messages and Warnings in PADRINO


We try to digitize as much data as possible in as transparent a manner as possible. Therefore, Rpadrino and PADRINO try to be as noisy as possible about the underlying models, so that potential issues don’t slip through unnoticed. This behavior may seem unnerving at first, but it is only in the interest of maximum transparency with respect to the underlying IPMs. This document describes in longer form what these messages mean, and where they originate from.

Messages and warnings during proto_ipm construction from ipmr-level functions

These messages appear after a call to pdb_make_proto_ipm(), and originate from ipmr functions. Usually, they are innocuous and can be ignored. These include:

More will be added here as they appear in later versions of ipmr.

Messages and warnings during proto_ipm construction from Rpadrino-level functions

These messages appear as a result of comments left by digitizers in PADRINO itself. Sometimes, these are issues the user must be aware of, and sometimes, they are comments for the digitization team. Examples of the former include:

Messages and warnings during IPM construction from ipmr-level functions

More will be added here shortly. In the meantime, email Sam Levin if you encounter issues during IPM construction with Rpadrino.

Messages and warnings during IPM construction from Rpadrino-level functions

More will be added here shortly. In the meantime, email Sam Levin if you encounter issues during IPM construction with Rpadrino.

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