Regression Metrics


In this vignette, a brief overview of the regression metrics in {SLmetrics} is provided. The regression interface is based on [numeric] vectors and uses foo.numeric() and methods for unweighted and weighted regression metrics, respectively.

Throughout this vignette, the following data will be used:

# 1) seed

# 2) actual values
actual <- rnorm(
    n = 100

# 3) predicted values
predicted <- actual + rnorm(n = 100)

# 4) sample weights
weights <- runif(
    n = length(actual)

Assume that the predicted values come from a trained machine learning model. This vignette introduces a subset of the metrics available in {SLmetrics}; see the online documentation for more details and other metrics.

Computing regression metrics

One of the most common metrics for regression tasks is the root mean squared error (RMSE) which can be computed with or without sample weights:

# 1) calculate unweighted RMSE
    actual    = actual,
    predicted = predicted
#> [1] 0.9085512

# 2) calculate weighted RMSE
    actual    = actual,
    predicted = predicted,
    w         = weights
#> [1] 0.9368692

Another metric is the relative root mean squared error (RRMSE). It applies a normalization factor to the RMSE, which can help compare errors across datasets with different scales. The RRMSE can be computed with three possible normalization methods:

# 1) calculate RRMSE
# with mean normalization
    actual = actual,
    predicted = predicted,
    normalization = 0
#> [1] 6.935011

# 2) calculate RRSME
# with range normalization
    actual = actual,
    predicted = predicted,
    normalization = 1
#> [1] 0.1711166

# 3) calculate RRSME
# with IQR normalization
    actual = actual,
    predicted = predicted,
    normalization = 2
#> [1] 0.7002328

The parameter normalization determines the normalization factor of the RMSE;

The interface for all regression metrics in {SLmetrics} follows the same basic signature: two numeric vectors (actual and predicted) and, optionally, sample weights (w) or other metric-specific parameters.

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