solveSAPHE 2.1.0 (2021-04-09)

New features

Bug fixed

SolveSAPHE 2.0.0 (2021-02-12)

Creation from FORTRAN version 2.0 of solveSAPHE (not yet published as of April 2021)

New features

This version adds processing of new pairs of variables beside the initial one: DIC and Total Alkalinity New pairs are : [CO2] and TA |HCO3-] and TA [CO3–] and TA

SolveSAPHE 1.0.0 (2020-12-30)

Creation from FORTRAN version 1.1 of solveSAPHE (December 16, 2020) This version is available at:

mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.