Spower: Power Analyses using Monte Carlo Simulations

Spower provides a general purpose simulation-based power analysis API for routine and customized simulation experimental designs. The package focuses exclusively on Monte Carlo simulation variants of (expected) prospective power analyses, a priori power analyses, criterion power analyses, compromise power analyses, and sensitivity analyses. The default simulation experiment functions found within the package provide stochastic variants of the power analyses subroutines found in the GPower 3 software (Faul, Erdfelder, Buchner, and Lang, 2009) along with various other power analysis examples (e.g., mediation analyses). Supporting functions are also included, such as for building empirical power curve estimates, which utilize a similar API structure.


You can install Spower from CRAN:


To install the development version of the Spower package, you need to install the remotes package then the Spower package.


Quick Start

Spower requires only two components: an available function used to generate exactly one simulation experiment that returns one or more p-values given the null hypothesis of interest, and the use of either Spower() or SpowerCurve() to perform the desired prospective/post-hoc, a priori, sensitivity, compromise, or criterion power analysis.

For example, the built-in p_t.test() function performs t-tests using various inputs, where below a sample size of \(N=200\) is supplied (n = 100 per group) and a Cohen’s \(d\) of .5 (medium effect). This returns a single \(p\)-value given the null hypotheses tested of no mean difference, which in this single case returns a ‘suprising’ result given this null position tested.

p_t.test(n=100, d=0.5)
## [1] 0.001231514

To evaluate the prospective power of this test requires passing the simulation function to Spower().

p_t.test(n=100, d=0.5) |> Spower()

## Replications: 10000;   RAM Used: 55.4 Mb;   
##  Conditions: n=100, d=0.5, sig.level=0.05
##   |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed=03s 
## Design conditions: 
## # A tibble: 1 × 4
##       n     d sig.level power
##   <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl> <lgl>
## 1   100   0.5      0.05 NA   
## Estimate of power: 0.939
## 95% Confidence Interval: [0.934, 0.943]

To evaluate the prospective power of this test requires passing the simulation function to Spower(). For a priori and sensitive analyses, the respective input to the simulation function must be set to NA, while within Spower() the target power rate must be included along with a suitable search interval.


# estimate the require n value to achieve a power of 1 - beta = .95 
p_t.test(n=NA, d=0.5) |> Spower(power=.95, interval=c(50, 300))

## Iter: 55; Median = 103; E(f(x)) = 0.00; Total.reps = 10550; k.tol = 2; Pred = 104.7
## Design conditions: 
## # A tibble: 1 × 4
##       n     d sig.level power
##   <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
## 1    NA   0.5      0.05  0.95
## Estimate of n: 105.0
## 95% Prediction Interval: [103.7, 106.3]


The package currently contains a vignette demonstrating several of the examples from the GPower 3 manual, providing simulation-based replications of the same analyses.

Getting Help or Reporting an Issue

To report bugs/issues/feature requests, please file an issue.

How to Contribute

If you have a simulation experiment you’d like to contribute in the form of


then feel free to document this function using the roxygen2 style syntax and open a pull request. Otherwise, contributions can be made to the online Wiki.

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